A ROS2 package of 3D LIDAR-based Localization using PCL.
Green: path, Red: map
(the 5x5 grids in size of 50m × 50m)
/cloud (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
/map (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)
/initialpose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamed)(whenset_initial_pose
is false)
/odom (nav_msgs/Odometry)(optional)
/imu (sensor_msgs/Imu)(optional) -
/pcl_pose (geometry_msgs/PoseStamped)
/path (nav_msgs/Path)
/initial_map (sensor_msgs/PointCloud2)(whenuse_pcd_map
is true)
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
registration_method | string | "NDT" | "NDT" or "GICP" |
ndt_resolution | double | 2.0 | resolution size of voxels[m] |
ndt_step_size | double | 0.1 | step_size maximum step length[m] |
transform_epsilon | double | 0.01 | transform epsilon to stop iteration in registration |
voxel_leaf_size | double | 0.2 | down sample size of input cloud[m] |
scan_max_range | double | 100.0 | max range of input cloud[m] |
scan_min_range | double | 1.0 | min range of input cloud[m] |
scan_periad | double | 0.1 | scan period of input cloud[sec] |
use_pcd_map | bool | false | whether pcd_map is used or not |
map_path | string | "/map/map.pcd" | pcd_map file path |
set_initial_pose | bool | false | whether or not to set the default value in the param file |
initial_pose_x | double | 0.0 | x-coordinate of the initial pose value[m] |
initial_pose_y | double | 0.0 | y-coordinate of the initial pose value[m] |
initial_pose_z | double | 0.0 | z-coordinate of the initial pose value[m] |
initial_pose_qx | double | 0.0 | Quaternion x of the initial pose value |
initial_pose_qy | double | 0.0 | Quaternion y of the initial pose value |
initial_pose_qz | double | 0.0 | Quaternion z of the initial pose value |
initial_pose_qw | double | 1.0 | Quaternion w of the initial pose value |
use_odom | bool | false | whether odom is used or not for initial attitude in point cloud registration |
use_imu | bool | false | whether 9-axis imu is used or not for point cloud distortion correction |
enable_debug | bool | false | whether debug is done or not |
demo data(ROS1) by Tier IV
The Velodyne VLP-16 was used in this data.
Before running, put bin_tc-2017-10-15-ndmap.pcd
into your map
directory and
edit the map_path
parameter of localization.yaml
in the param
directory accordingly.
rviz2 -d src/pcl_localization_ros2/rviz/localization.rviz
ros2 launch pcl_localization_ros2 pcl_localization.launch.py
ros2 bag play -s rosbag_v2 tc_2017-10-15-15-34-02_free_download.bag
Green: path, Red: map
(the 5x5 grids in size of 50m × 50m)