
Create multiple turtlebots in the Gazebo simulator

Primary LanguageC++


Create multiple turtlebots in the Gazebo simulator


  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • ROS Kinect
  • Gazebo 7.0+ (Recommand Gazebo 9.0 which support parallel physics)

How to use it

Put these packages into your ROS Workspace (${WS}/src), and


Then, start multi-robot simulation

roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo test.launch world_file:=${YOUR_WORLD_FILE}

[Option] start gazebo gui


How to create different multi-robot scenarios

Go to launch file

cd turtlebot_hokuyo/turtlebot_gazebo/launch

Create a scenario which have ten robots

python create_multi_robots.py --robot_num 10 --env_size 8

Finally, the new test.launch file would be generated!