
Visualises how people live in their homes—whether they rent or own, whether they have a mortgage, whether their rent is subsidised.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Housing ownership

Visualises how people live in their homes — whether they rent or own, whether they have a mortgage, whether their rent is subsidised — across the general population and broken by income.

Use + Remix rights

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0

These charts, as well as the analyses that underpin them, are available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. This includes commercial reuse and derivates.

Data in these charts comes from:

Please attribute 360info and OECD when you use and remix these visualisations.

Reproduce the analysis

💨 Quickstart: use the dev container

This project comes with a ready-to-use dev container that includes everything you need to reproduce the analysis (or do a similar one of your own!), including R and Quarto.

  1. Launch this project in GitHub Codespaces
  2. If you have Docker installed, you can build and run the container locally:
  • Download or clone the project
  • Open it in Visual Studio Code
  • Run the Remote-Containers: Reopen in Container command

Once the container has launched (it might take a few minutes to set up the first time), you can run the analysis scripts with:

quarto render

Or look for the .qmd files to modify the analysis.

Manual setup

To setup a development environment manually,

You'll need to:

Now, render the .qmd files to the /out directory with:

quarto render


If you find any problems with our analysis or charts, please feel free to create an issue!