3D Tune-In Toolkit is a custom open-source C++ library developed within the EU-funded project 3D Tune-In. The Toolkit provides a high level of realism and immersiveness within binaural 3D audio simulations, while allowing for the emulation of hearing aid devices and of different typologies of hearing loss.
- abbiekressner
- Acoustictun
- ardgzrivero
- areyeslUniversity of Malaga
- ayberkt98Istanbul
- bassikODITIF
- bhaskar-c
- camappelLondon, UK
- CliffsDoverDancing Bottle
- cliveboydAustralia
- dgonzaleztUniversity of Malaga
- ernestodelarubia
- FabianArrUniversity of Malaga
- going-digitalLowestoft, UK
- gonzupiMálaga, Spain
- HaHehoChalmers University of Technology
- jhcloos
- joaolamasPortugal
- lmtancoUniversity of Malaga
- lpicinali
- mariacuevasUniversity of Malaga
- michaelkrzyzaniak
- mjcpk
- sgraetzerUniversity of Salford
- siraaris3SB Audio
- smoeleStuttgart/Heidelberg/Mainz
- stewarthannahj
- trsonicYork, UK
- WendongGanUniversity of Electronic Science and Technology of China