3D Tune-In Toolkit is a custom open-source C++ library developed within the EU-funded project 3D Tune-In. The Toolkit provides a high level of realism and immersiveness within binaural 3D audio simulations, while allowing for the emulation of hearing aid devices and of different typologies of hearing loss.
- abbiekressner
- bassikODITIF
- CodingBoOGuangdong University of Technology
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- denisfitz57
- dhyLH
- dkumor
- Felipeasg
- FohlenTübingen
- ftommasiniCONICET - UTN FRC
- gonzupiMálaga, Spain
- HaHehoChalmers University of Technology
- jie-chen
- JonBoleyCupertino
- joseandres42
- keithceResonant Rhythm
- kevinphysTaipei Hackerspace / Fablab Taipei
- leomccormackAalto University
- LeonErath@sipgate
- MaribelDM
- nikhilbhanuSan Francisco, CA
- niklaskorz@alugha
- ogladinInria
- phud-eppuChopin University of Music
- qazmoon
- ragnaringiReactify
- s9menine
- sankha05
- scrumfled
- sgraetzerUniversity of Salford
- sktometometoJSK Robotics Laboratory
- ThalKodSan Francisco
- thorweGermany
- timmyL17Adobe
- trsonicYork, UK
- ununbiumYorkshire, UK