Pinned issues
- 1
How to change argument
#97 opened by Kavejavex - 0
Compilation instructions on Linux?
#96 opened by daemonspudguy - 3
No textures found on darkwar.wad
#93 opened by orderorder - 0
New Renderer Fixup
#95 opened by Corbachu - 1
IWAD handling (EGM vs INI)
#74 opened by Corbachu - 4
mods acting pretty weird on current master
#64 opened by ryan-sg - 9
build on Pi4
#94 opened by Exarkuniv - 15
Mac M1 Support for Cmake
#87 opened by atsb - 4
FEATURE: MP3 Support
#86 opened by Some1NamedNate - 7
Unable to get past 3rd step from the CMake/Visual Studio Building Instructions page.
#79 opened by ziv-y - 1
Duplicated SSE2NEON headers
#81 opened by jserv - 2
Feature/Renderer: fix up glBindAttribLocation
#77 opened by Corbachu - 5
Renderer - only HUD and Sky is rendered
#78 opened by doclulle - 1
Doom, sector light to darkest linetypes
#76 opened by simc2 - 2
Doom, line action type troubles
#75 opened by simc2 - 4
- 3
Idea: rework the old defaults system as CVars
#70 opened by usernameak - 5
Possible Future Feature: INI Parsing for Engine Configuration (replacing edge2.cfg)
#66 opened by Corbachu - 5
antivirus alert - edgecrashreport.exe
#52 opened by simc2 - 0
Networking Overhaul
#60 opened by Corbachu - 13
Linux build crashes
#54 opened by dsdman - 12
Replacing GLEW
#10 opened by Corbachu - 45
- 2
screen shake change not saved in cfg file?
#53 opened by simc2 - 14
No GL Display on Linux
#57 opened by gameblabla - 3
Will not compile
#56 opened by dsdman - 4
Failure to build on Gentoo Linux
#51 opened by Metalhead33 - 4
fails to build on os x
#46 opened by jmtd - 1 conflicts with on Linux
#49 opened by usernameak - 11
player movement 'inertia' seems funny in 3dge
#24 opened by ryan-sg - 3
crash when multiplayer menu selected
#25 opened by ryan-sg - 2
#33 opened by Corbachu - 16
- 4
SDL_SetWindowBrightness not working on Ubuntu
#30 opened by gameblabla - 7
Very critical bug
#12 opened by usernameak - 5
compiler error seen on OpenBSD
#20 opened by ryan-sg - 4
- 4
the new -v135 switch
#26 opened by ryan-sg - 6
Makefile.bsd gone?
#22 opened by ryan-sg - 3
- 0
Building with CMake
#16 opened by usernameak - 2
Screen Wiping Messed Up
#15 opened by Corbachu - 12
Using CMake as Makefile generator
#11 opened by usernameak - 4
Give me some precompiled libraries
#9 opened by usernameak - 13
Building on Android
#6 opened by usernameak - 18
Can you compile the latest master commit?
#5 opened by usernameak - 3
Infringing content
#4 opened by usernameak - 4