OPDPN baseline for "OPD: Single-view 3D Openable Part Detection"

Primary LanguagePython

OPDPN: Baseline in "OPD: Single-view 3D Openable Part Detection"


This repository contains the implementation of OPDPN, a simple baseline that detects openable parts and predicts their motion parameters from a single-view point cloud.

Paper  Website



  • OPD: We implement the OPDRCNN (main methods in this paper). For details, check the OPD repo.

  • ANCSH: We reimplement the ANCSH method using PyTorch for the paper "Category-Level Articulated Object Pose Estimation". For details, check the ANCSH-pytorch repo.


The implementation has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04, with PyTorch 1.7.1, CUDA 11 and CUDNN 8.0.3.

  • Clone the repository
git clone git@github.com:3dlg-hcvc/OPDPN.git
  • Setup python environment
conda create -n opdpn python=3.7 
conda activate opdpn  
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install "git+git://github.com/erikwijmans/Pointnet2_PyTorch.git#egg=pointnet2_ops&subdirectory=pointnet2_ops_lib"

(If meeting unauthenticated git protocol on port 9418 ), run git config --global url."https://".insteadOf git:// for above last command to install pointnet2_ops_lib)


You can download our [OPDSynth](dataset) and [OPDReal](dataset_real) datasets for OPDPN to ./dataset folder (there is one dataset.tar.gz under /dataset/OPDPN).


You can download our pretrained models to ./models folder (there is one models.tar.gz under /models/OPDPN).

Models for OPDSynth start with Synth, for OPDReal start with Real



To train from the scratch, you can use below commands.

  • python train.py \
    --train_path <PATH_TO_TRAIN> \
    --test_path <PATH_TO_TEST> \
    --output_dir train_output
    • Dataset:
      • OPDSynth:
        • --train-path dataset/dataset/train.h5
        • --test-path dataset/dataset/val.h5
      • OPDReal:
        • --train-path dataset/dataset_real/train.h5
        • --test-path dataset/dataset_real/val.h5


Inference with pretrained model, or your own trained model on val set

python train.py \
--train_path <PATH_TO_TRAIN> \
--test_path <PATH_TO_TEST> \
--output_dir test_output \
--test \
--inference_model <PPRETRAINED_MODEL>
  • Dataset needs the same options as above


We convert the results into OPD inference results format, evalaute and visualize using the code from OPD

  • Finalize the results

    • Synth Data
      python finalize_result.py \
      --result_path <PATH_TO_RESULT> \
      --output test_output
    • Real Data
      python finalize_result_real.py \
      --result_path <PATH_TO_RESULT> \
      --output test_output

    The <PATH_TO_RESULT> is the inference_result.h5 after running inference.

  • Get the final_result.h5, and conver the results into OPDRCNN format (Use the code from OPD). Need to download the dataset for OPDRCNN in OPD.)

    python <PATH_TO_OPD>/PC_convert_results.py \
    --result-path <PATH_TO_FINAL_RESULT> \
    --data-path <PATH_TO_DATASET>
    • Dataset:
      • Synth Data:
        • --data-path <PATH_TO_OPD>/dataset/MotionDataset_h5_6.11
      • Real Data:
        • --data-path <PATH_TO_OPD>/dataset/MotionDataset_h5_real
  • After converting, get the inference file in the OPD format, check Evaluation in README of OPD. (Use --inference-file option)