- 31
- 0
- 2
this repo is unable to run!
#58 opened by MorleyOlsen - 2
Why is the iou result of your code 0.843, but the iou result of the original author of UNet++ for DSB2018 data set 0.92?
#54 opened by 4dirveduck - 4
#51 opened by leonard-cooper - 0
is there a pre-trained model available?
#57 opened by santoshcoder23 - 1
- 12
- 0
Tensor size mismatch
#56 opened by liuzhihuilzh - 1
How do I train on different image dimenstions e.g 192 x 192 instead of 96 x 96 pixels?
#55 opened by mornedev - 1
- 2
#32 opened by qiaolegeke - 3
Question about "ValueError: With n_samples=0, test_size=0.2 and train_size=None, the resulting train set will be empty. Adjust any of the aforementioned parameters".
#48 opened by wxyWendy - 1
- 2
When I run the,the results are "loss nan - iou 0.0000 - val_loss nan - val_iou 0.0000"?
#49 opened by wxyWendy - 8
- 1
crime detection project
#50 opened by VIYYAPUVSDSAIVAMSI - 2
- 1
Where does the code reflect that "the global loss is weighted and accumulated by the loss functions of each branch"?
#47 opened by wxyWendy - 3
- 1
deploy on opencv
#46 opened by godlovehill - 0
Is the mask label of the data trained by myself an 8-bit color label graph, or an 8-bit grayscale graph?
#45 opened by ushio20 - 0
about deep supervision
#44 opened by suh1030 - 5
- 4
#25 opened by wuzuowuyou - 0
Question about training the model
#43 opened by mpegia - 0
Pre training model??
#41 opened by xiongzhu666 - 5
- 1
How to train own data with multiple classes
#34 opened by sunny0414 - 0
- 2
Incorrect IOU definition
#36 opened by nzw0301 - 0
what kind of image get best perfomance?
#38 opened by zhou-rui1 - 0
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Help!! Unable to predict CNN model after training: How to resolve incompatible layers?
#30 opened by JacobOfCorns - 4
how to train on my own database?
#10 opened by manvirvirk - 1
Getting "ValueError: With n_samples=0... the resulting train set will be empty." even after seemingly appending datasets properly.
#29 opened by JacobOfCorns - 0
- 0
Instance segmentation
#26 opened by Ostyk - 0
Identical folders in the masks?
#24 opened by cvengneer - 0
how to find confusion matrix of this model?
#23 opened by manvirvirk - 1
Please change the validation code.
#19 opened by MinchangSung0223 - 0
- 0
If num_class default 1, mean mask contain of two color: white and black ?
#21 opened by hungbnb-0923 - 0
Why transpose of image and mask?
#20 opened by hungbnb-0923 - 1
model output
#18 opened by manvirvirk - 0
model output
#17 opened by manvirvirk - 5
- 0
Do we get segmented image at output?
#14 opened by manvirvirk