- 5
Not working in Register page
#51 opened by krishnainnodel - 3
Feature Request: "Other"
#22 opened by Frank-Marion - 3
- 1
Spinner waiting for results
#44 opened by andreslopez93 - 1
- 2
Option to combine city and state
#49 opened by securevault - 1
need it other language for the different page
#47 opened by devgene - 2
Activate multisite
#43 opened by maxisosa - 4
high loading time on low performance smartphones
#42 opened by rwkyyy - 2
WP.ORG repo has no cities (only CO.php)
#40 opened by rwkyyy - 4
Renaming of the plugin
#38 opened by rwkyyy - 1
#39 opened by rwkyyy - 1
Multilingual WooCommerce issue
#37 opened by Abdalsalaam - 9
Please add Districts
#26 opened by knaven0128 - 2
auto-update from github
#36 opened by rwkyyy - 1
WC City Issue
#30 opened by mustafamsy - 1
Update to latest versions of WP and WC
#32 opened by Mantish - 1
Mexico cities
#18 opened by aerojun - 0
Disable shipping to specific cities
#28 opened by jacobom - 4
Need select options for districts
#25 opened - 2
- 4
Add Denmark
#19 opened by jonasskafte - 0
update readme file
#16 opened by Mantish - 0
work with disabled country select
#15 opened by Mantish - 3
Add Table Rate Shipping compatibility
#4 opened by Mantish - 2
Cities not populated in Chrome in Select2
#11 opened by Amanbhatia - 0
error when users already have a city saved
#13 opened by Mantish - 0
city field marked as invalid on load
#14 opened by Mantish - 1
Installed plugin, activated - and nothing changed.
#12 opened by k1tzu - 4
- 2
add new dropdown field under city
#9 opened by harry-maulana - 3
default Countriy
#6 opened by mahdi-alavi - 6
Update readme for Country with no states
#7 opened by kelecz - 0
- 1
add js dropdown support
#2 opened by Mantish - 11
how to apply filter
#1 opened by abedfatafta