
trouble about deploying the network.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I am trying to use your model.

and bitcraze-VM download is very slow, so I am trying to follow your description using JTAG programmer and docker.

# I tried to build an image
 docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/module aideck-with-autotiler tools/build/make-example examples/ai/classification clean model build image

# And upload the program via JTAG programmer
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/module --privileged aideck-with-autotiler tools/build/make-example examples/ai/classification all run

When I try to upload your model for AI-Deck (classification directory)
the uploading via JTAG programmer is fine but, it has the error line #175 in classification.c

I checked by modifying the code to see the error adding "cpxPrintToConsole(LOG_TO_CRTP,"Failed to construct CNN");" after __PREFIX(CNN_Consturct)()

as follows:

 Crazyflie AI-deck drone deployment of FlyDrosNet CNN for image recognition. Code to build and flash on AI-deck GAP8

 Angel Canelo 2022.10.18

 Code modified from Bitcraze framework of ai-deck ai classification example                                                   

#include "classification.h"
#include "bsp/camera.h"
#include "bsp/camera/himax.h"
#include "bsp/buffer.h"
#include "bsp/transport/nina_w10.h"
#include "classificationKernels.h"
#include "gaplib/ImgIO.h"
#include "pmsis.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "bsp/bsp.h"
#include "cpx.h"

#define CAM_WIDTH 324
#define CAM_HEIGHT 244

#define CHANNELS 1
#define IO RGB888_IO
#define CAT_LEN sizeof(uint32_t)

#define __XSTR(__s) __STR(__s)
#define __STR(__s) #__s

static pi_task_t task1;
static pi_task_t task2;
static unsigned char *cameraBuffer;
static signed short *Output_1;
static struct pi_device camera;
static pi_buffer_t buffer;
static EventGroupHandle_t evGroup;
#define CAPTURE_DONE_BIT (1 << 0)
static struct pi_device cluster_dev;
static struct pi_cluster_task *task;
static struct pi_cluster_conf conf;

static uint8_t to_send;


#define IMG_ORIENTATION 0x0101

static void RunNetwork()
  (cameraBuffer, Output_1);

static void cam_handler(void *arg)
  xEventGroupSetBits(evGroup, CAPTURE_DONE_BIT);

static int open_camera(struct pi_device *device)

  struct pi_himax_conf cam_conf;


  cam_conf.format = PI_CAMERA_QVGA;

  pi_open_from_conf(device, &cam_conf);
  if (pi_camera_open(device))
    return -1;
  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_START, 0);
  uint8_t set_value = 3;
  uint8_t reg_value;
  pi_camera_reg_set(&camera, IMG_ORIENTATION, &set_value);
  pi_camera_reg_get(&camera, IMG_ORIENTATION, &reg_value);

  if (set_value != reg_value)
    return -1;
  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_STOP, 0);

  pi_camera_control(device, PI_CAMERA_CMD_AEG_INIT, 0);
  return 0;

// Functions and init for LED toggle
#define LED_PIN 2
static pi_device_t led_gpio_dev;
void hb_task(void *parameters)
  char *taskname = pcTaskGetName(NULL);

  // Initialize the LED pin
  pi_gpio_pin_configure(&led_gpio_dev, LED_PIN, PI_GPIO_OUTPUT);

  const TickType_t xDelay = 5000 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;

  while (1)
    pi_gpio_pin_write(&led_gpio_dev, LED_PIN, 1);
    pi_gpio_pin_write(&led_gpio_dev, LED_PIN, 0);

int classification()
  uint32_t errors = 0;

  struct pi_device uart;
  struct pi_uart_conf conf2;
  /* Init & open uart. */
  conf2.enable_tx = 1;
  conf2.enable_rx = 0;
  conf2.baudrate_bps = 115200;
  pi_open_from_conf(&uart, &conf2);
  if (pi_uart_open(&uart))

  evGroup = xEventGroupCreate();

    // Start LED toggle
  BaseType_t xTask;
  xTask = xTaskCreate(hb_task, "hb_task", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE * 2,
                      NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL);

  cpxPrintToConsole(LOG_TO_CRTP, "*** Classification ***\n");
  cpxPrintToConsole(LOG_TO_CRTP, "Starting to open camera\n");
  if (open_camera(&camera))
    cpxPrintToConsole(LOG_TO_CRTP, "Failed to open camera\n");
  uint32_t resolution = CAM_WIDTH * CAM_HEIGHT;
  uint32_t captureSize = resolution * sizeof(unsigned char);
  cameraBuffer = (unsigned char *)pmsis_l2_malloc(captureSize);
  if (cameraBuffer == NULL)
    return -1;
  pi_buffer_init(&buffer, PI_BUFFER_TYPE_L2, cameraBuffer);
  pi_buffer_set_format(&buffer, CAM_WIDTH, CAM_HEIGHT, 1, PI_BUFFER_FORMAT_GRAY);

  Output_1 = (signed short *)pmsis_l2_malloc(3 * sizeof(signed short));
  if (Output_1 == NULL)

  /* Configure CNN task */
  pi_open_from_conf(&cluster_dev, (void *)&conf);
  task = pmsis_l2_malloc(sizeof(struct pi_cluster_task));

  memset(task, 0, sizeof(struct pi_cluster_task));
  task->entry = &RunNetwork;
  task->stack_size = STACK_SIZE;             // defined in makefile
  task->slave_stack_size = SLAVE_STACK_SIZE; // "
  task->arg = NULL;

  /* Construct CNN */
  if (__PREFIX(CNN_Construct)())
    cpxPrintToConsole(LOG_TO_CRTP,"Failed to construct CNN");
  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_STOP, 0);
  pi_camera_capture_async(&camera, cameraBuffer, resolution, pi_task_callback(&task1, cam_handler, NULL));
  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_START, 0);

  xEventGroupWaitBits(evGroup, CAPTURE_DONE_BIT, pdTRUE, pdFALSE, (TickType_t)portMAX_DELAY);
  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_STOP, 0);
    /* Run inference */
  pi_cluster_send_task_to_cl(&cluster_dev, task);

  if (Output_1[0] > Output_1[1] && Output_1[0] > Output_1[2])
    uint8_t sen=0;
    to_send = sen;
  else if (Output_1[1] > Output_1[0] && Output_1[1] > Output_1[2])
    uint8_t sen=1;
    to_send = sen;
  else if (Output_1[2] > Output_1[0] && Output_1[2] > Output_1[1])
    uint8_t sen=2;
    to_send = sen;
    pi_uart_write(&uart, &to_send, 1);

  pi_camera_control(&camera, PI_CAMERA_CMD_STOP, 0);
  /* Destruct CNN */
  return 0;

int main(void)

  // Increase the FC freq to 250 MHz
  pi_freq_set(PI_FREQ_DOMAIN_FC, 250000000);
  pi_pmu_voltage_set(PI_PMU_DOMAIN_FC, 1200);
  return pmsis_kickoff((void *)classification);

Screenshot from 2023-04-06 21-16-10

Have you ever had an error like this? (Failed to contruction CNN)

I need your help.


Hi there! well, In my case I also tried to flash the ai deck memory using JTAG, but it did not work well. So, I have been using crazyflie radio dongle for flashing since then (it's pretty slow though). It is interesting that CPX commands are working in your case. I couldn't make cpx to work, so I just used UART to send the results of the CNN to the STM32 in crazyflie drone. I would use the crazyradio dongle and check what happens, hope works well for you too

Thanks, with the VM it works!