
This repository contains the implementation of a 2D self driving agent using NEAT to navigate a racetrack autonomously.

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains the Python code for creating a self-driving AI based on the NeuroEvolution of Augmenting Topologies algorithm. NEAT is used to evolve Artificial Neural Networks using genetic algorithm techniques.

  • Each generation has 20 instances.
  • Each instance is associated with a feed-forward neural network which learns how to navigate the track.
  • Each instance is given a fitness value according to the how long it remained on the track.
  • New generations are created until at least one car is able to finish a lap without leaving the track.

Packages Required

  1. pygame

       pip install pygame
  2. neat-python

       pip install neat-python==0.92

The Car

The car has a total of 3 sensors, positioned at -45, 0 and 45 degrees respectively. Each sensor has a maximum range of 200 pixels. The blue circles are used to detect if the car left the track (by detecting the green color of grass around the track).

alt text

The Network

A simple feed forward neural network with 3 inputs and 2 outputs is used. There are no hidden layers. The 3 inputs correspond to the sensor values. There were orignally four outputs: Left, Right, Speed up, Slow down. However, after some experimentation it was found that the later two increased the complexity of the network unnecessarily. The final network has only two outputs: Left and Right.

Tunable Parameters

The following parameters can be modified:

  1. config.txt

  2. main.py

       translation constant in drive() method of Car class