Family history of alcohol, drugs use and other conditions summary scores

The R scripts are based on the SAS algorithm of summary scores of family history of problem (fhx_ss_) developed by Dr. Sher, Kenneth and Waudby, Carol J. The 3 scripts cover alcohol, drug use and the other 8 conditions ("depression","mania","visions of others spying/plotting","trouble holds job/fights/police","nerves/nervous breakdown","to professional due to emotional/mental","hospitalized due to emotional/mental","suicide"). The individual father/mother/grandparents, uncle/aunt and siblings summary scores for each condition are included. In additional, few combinations of father and mother summary scores are also developed.

The R scripts take either data dump "Mental Health, P Family History" instrument or NDA release 2.0 data tables fhxp102.txt and fhxp201.txt as input to develop these summary scores (fhxp102.txt and fhxp201.txt are available at; NDA data dictionary is available at:

Although the R scripts will generate dictionaries, we still included the dictionaries of the new variables of family history problem.