
Resources related to weighting of data in the ABCD Study.


Resources related to the weighting of data in the ABCD Study.

Materials developed by William Pelham (UCSD) for use in weighting ABCD data, to improve sample or subsample generalizability and/or deal with longitudinal attrition.

Most materials were developed for a workshop deliver in March 2022 and are offered as-is.

Contact wpelham@ucsd.edu to report bugs/errors.

I recommend reading through intro-to-weighting-slides.pptx first, then looking at 2022-weighting-workshop.zip. 2021-weighting-demo.zip is old, has been superseded by 2022-weighting-workshop.zip, but is included here for completeness.


  • intro-to-weighting-slides.pptx. Slides from workshop giving tutorial on use of weighting in ABCD.

  • 2022-weighting-workshop.zip. A repository with examples of how to do weighting in ABCD data using R. Look at the file RUNME.R first. These scripts were created for use with the ABCD 4.0 release from NIDA.

  • 2021-weighting-demo.zip. Examples of how to do weighting in ABCD data that I made previously. These scripts were created for use with the ABCD 3.0 release from NDA. Thus, 2022-weighting-workshop.zip is a more thorough and up-to-date version... I include these files here as a backup resource as I may have explained the process or implemented the code slightly differently here.