
Data and Scripts relevant to the development and benchmarking of truvari

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Truvari Data

Investigating when two SVs are the same

This repository contains the workflow and notes for creating most of the data for this research

Input/output results can be found at: https://tinyurl.com/TruvariRawData



Assembly mapping and variant calling

Short-read SV discovery and genotyping

Repo structure

  • scripts - Steps of the pipeline
  • notebooks - Analysis notebooks for plot generation
  • metadata - Mainly the sample metadata file
  • parallel_helpers - Scripts that helped me parallelize the steps
  • stats - Quick analysis joblib dataframes

Genome References

Any reference genome can be used. We chose to subset references to only Autosomes and X/Y. References need to be indexed using bwa index. We have run on hg19, grch38, chm13, and pr1. PR1 is not presented in the publication.


Below are the steps of the pipeline to create the data and generate summaries.

Download haplotype fastas

The haplotype fasta files are pulled from their public locations using

bash eichler_download.sh
bash li_download.sh

Assembly Stats:

Calculate the basic assembly stats with calN50. This summary is inside the repository's stats/asm_fastastat.jl. An example files.txt is available in metadata/assembly_fasta_meta.txt

python n50_summary.py files.txt asm_fastastat.jl

Haplotype mapping and variant calling

Map each haplotype to a reference and call variants using mapping.sh

bash mapping.sh haplotype.1.fasta sample.hap1 reference.fasta

This creates an alignment file sample.hap1.paf, a vcf file sample.hap1.var.vcf.gz, and an index for that vcf. A helper script parallel_helpers/make_all_mapping_jobs.sh can make per-sample bash scripts.

Mapping Stats

If you collect per-haplotype mapping logs from mapping.sh, you can build a table from all the stats generated. See consolidate_mapping_stats.py for details. This summary is also inside stats/asm_mapstat.jl

Calculating assembly coverage per-haplotype

Given the paf files, create a coverage bed for each haplotype

bedtools genomecov -i <(cut -f6,8,9 sample.hap1.paf | bedtools sort) -g reference.fa.fai -bga > sample.hap1.cov.bed

Exact Intra-merge

Merge the two haplotype vcf files together using

bash merge_haps.sh sample.hap1.var.vcf.gz sample.hap2.var.vcf.gz sample output/path/var.vcf.gz

This creates a diploid vcf file name sample.vcf.gz and its index. This is the start of our 'exact' merge VCFs. At this point, the files should be orgainzed in the below file structure, thus the 4th argument 'output/path/var.vcf.gz'

File structure

The per-sample vcfs are organized into sub-directories starting with the exact vcf path data/reference/project/sample/merge_strategy.vcf.gz (e.g. data/intra_merge/chm13/li/NA12878/exact.vcf.gz) Be sure to create the index for the VCFs, also

Strict/Loose Intra-merge

Run truvari to collapse the exact intra-merge vcfs

bash single_sample_collapse.sh $exact_vcf_path reference.fa

Where $exact_vcf_path is described above in File Structure.

This will run truvari collapse for strict and for loose merging and place them in the appropriate directory. For example data/chm13/li/NA12878/strict.vcf.gz

Each collapse also produces removed.strict.vcf.gz, vcf indexes, and logs in collapse.strict.log

Annotate with assembly coverage

Run the following to make a new VCF that has assembly coverage information

python intra_hc_region_annotate.py input.vcf.gz sample.hap1.cov.bed sample.hap2.cov.bed | bgzip > output.vcf.gz

After running, I replace input.vcf.gz with output.vcf.gz

Make single sample summary stats

Beside a VCF, create a joblib DataFrame of just SVs >= 50bp using, for example

bash make_stats.sh data/chm13/exact.vcf.gz

Once these are all created, run

python consolidate_intra_stats.py data/intra_merge single_sample_stats.jl

This will look for all subdirectories that have subdirectories that have subdirectories containing '.jl' files. (a.k.a. reference/project/sample/merge_strategy.jl) So that it can append columns of those path metadata information to each row, drop the index, and make a usable dataframe for the SVCharacteristics notebook.

Inter-sample merging

We now merge between samples. This needs to have a specific file-structure, also. In a directory, (e.g. data/inter_merge), we will create all the combinations of merges. For a single reference, we need to take all the exact merges and then do an exact merge to create exact.exact.vcf.gz

Do this by calling

python multi_merge.py data/intra_merge data/inter_merge/chm13 data/references/chm13.fa > the_merge_script.sh

This will create all the commands needed to make all combinations of merges for a single reference. Repeat for each reference.

Inter-merge stats

Once all of the samples have been processed, create the stats via

bash make_stats.sh grch38/exact/exact.vcf.gz

Consolidate the stats with

python consolidate_inter_stats.py *.jl

where *.jl are all from the intra_merge made during the multi-sample merge step. Note that this assumes that out_dir is the name of a reference.

Build the paragraph multi-sample VCFs

Given one of the multi-sample merges, create a paragraph reference out of only the svs using

 bash run_paragraphs.sh data/multi_merge/grch38/strict/strict.vcf.gz \
 						data/reference/grch38/grch38.fa \

This will try to run paragraph just enough to make the reference inputs needed to run a modified version of paragraph https://github.com/ACEnglish/paragraph

Other merges

To compare other merging methods, we made a custom script naive_50.py to do 50% reciprocal overlap merging. We then downloaded three other SV merging tools to compare.

Using the strict intra-sample merge SVs, we ran each program with default parameters.
First, collect the full paths to each of the vcfs you want to merge via

find /full/path/to/data/intra_merge/chm13/ -name "strict.vcf.gz"  > input_files.txt

Next, edit perform_other_merges.sh so that each of the programs' executable are pointed to in their correct variable. Run this script inside of the working directory e.g. data/other_merges/grch38/.

bash perform_other_merges.sh input_files.txt

Note this creates a lot of temporay files to reformat things to accommodate these programs. All the temporary files are stored in the pwd/temp and can be removed without affecting downstream steps of this pipeline.

Additionally, to facilitate the notebook summary of these files, you can soft-link the joblibs of the truvari and exact runs from the earlier inter_merge: e.g. ln -s data/inter_merge/grch38/strict/strict.jl truvari.S.jl

Short-read SV discovery

Used existing Manta calls
Ran BioGraph v7.0
Calls organized into data/short_read_calls/discovery/[biograph|manta]/[sample].[reference].vcf.gz Note manta was only run on grch38, so reference==sv

Short-read SV genoyping

Ran Paragraph and BioGraph v7.0 BioGraph results are in data/short_read_calls/genotyping/biograph/[sample]/[reference].results.vcf.gz Paragraph results are in data/short_read_calls/genotyping/paragraph/[sample].vcf.gz Note only chm13 and grch38 are available.

Create annotated SV Only VCFs

How did you do this? trf and numneigh and only_svs.py, that's somewhere.

Benchmarking short-read discovery

Run the script with

bash run_truvari_bench.sh data/ benchmarking_output/ data/short_read_calls/discovery/manta/*.vcf.gz


Arg1 - the base directory of the data
Arg2 - output destination directory
Arg* - All the remaining args are the discovery VCFs.

This assumes that the vcfs have the structure of <sample>.<reference>.vcf.gz

Benchmarking short-read genotyping

Make the base vcf genotypes data from the paragraph sv_only.vcf.gz """ python multi_sample_vcf_to_df.py data/paragraph_ref/sv_only.vcf.gz data/paragraph_ref/sv_only.df """

Turn the paragraph results into a single dataframe """ python genotype_consolidate.py data/paragraph_ref/sv_only.df paragraph
data/short_read_calls/genotyping/paragraph/*.vcf.gz """ Run the same thing for biograph


Where did the GRCH38_CMRG bed come from.

For each of the other merges' VCFs, run bpovl, turn vcf into dataframe, and do the annotation consolidation join

for i in *.vcf.gz;
truvari anno bpovl -i $i -a ../GRCh38_CMRG_benchmark_gene_coordinates.bed -o ${i%.vcf.gz}.CBGcoords.anno.jl
truvari vcf2df -i ${i} ${i%.vcf.gz}.jl
python consolidate_dfs.py

Gencode.v35 bed tracks were downloaded from UCSC genome browser. These bed files were merged and expanded using

bedtools merge -i input.bed.gz | python bed_expander.py reference/genome.fa.fai | bedtools sort | bgzip > output.bed.gz
tabix output.bed.gz

Note the hg19 bed also needed sed 's/chr//'.

These bed files can be used by run_truvari to make the recall for gene regions.