
The hose task for the WALK-MAN final demo

Primary LanguageC++



-- How to run:

roscore roslaunch bigman_gazebo bigman_hose_task.launch CommunicationHandler config_walkman.yaml NRTDeployer config_walkman.yaml XBotGUI config_walkman.yaml

rostopic pub /hose_grasp_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "header: seq: 0 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_id: '' pose: position: x: 0.6 y: 0.5 z: 0.0 orientation: x: 0.0 y: -0.7071 z: 0.0 w: 0.7071"

service call /Hose_Task_cmd "success"

rostopic pub /hose_push_pose geometry_msgs/PoseStamped "header: seq: 0 stamp: secs: 0 nsecs: 0 frame_id: '' pose: position: x: 0.5 y: -0.4 z: 0.3 orientation: x: 0.0 y: -0.7071 z: 0.0 w: 0.7071"

rosservice call /Hose_Task_cmd "success"