
Adding custom packages

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I followed the wiki which describes how to add a new project to the superbuild.

After adding a new *.cmake file to the cmake folder, and modifying the projects/CMakelists.txt, the file did not appear in ccmake configuration. Tracing the main CMakelists.txt, I noticed this is because the projects listed in projects/CMakeLists.txt are only displayed when the USE_DRC_CORE_PACKAGES flag is set.

As new packages are not likely to be related to DRC, I would recommend to update the behavior of this flag.

Hi @MartijnZ thanks, you are right: I will add a playground project to create custom packages not related to any EU project.

Thanks for the update, I also modified the description in my HelloXBotCore tutorial

Hi @liesrock ,

I noticed, the playground projects are not yet appearing. I guess we still need to add:

set(PLAYGROUND ON CACHE BOOL "Enable the download and usage of Playground packages")


to CMakeLists.txt

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