
CENTAURO model for simulation

Primary LanguageCMake

centauro-simulator meta-package README description


  • centauro

It includes the description of the robot, i.e. the urdf represantation, in addition to the rviz launch file.

  • centauro_gazebo

It contains all files related to the gazebo simulator including the world files configuring the gazebo environment, and the main launch file.

  • documentation

It presents the naming convention of different elements of the robot; for instance:

actuator: motor_{joint_name}: ex. motor_hip

transmission: t_{joint_name}: ex. t_hip

Running procedure:

  • running the simulation:

roslaunch centauro_gazebo centauro_world.launch

  • running the simulation with arguments:

roslaunch centauro_gazebo centauro_world.launch arg:=value ex. roslaunch centauro_gazebo centauro_world.launch legs:=false paused:=false hands:=false gui:=true rviz:=true gazebo:=false

  • additionally, two scripts are provided to publish missing transforms from robot_state_publisher:

rosrun centauro_ros load_fixed_transforms - loads static transforms for fixed joints not recognized by a robot_state_publisher (requires urdfdom_py package)

rosrun centauro_ros gazebo_base_transform - publishes a transform from 'world' to 'pelvis' for a floating base system

Optional arguments:

Basic simulation set-up

Argument Default Values Description
gazebo true true, false whether the gazebo simulation should be run or not
rviz false true, false whether the rviz visualization tool should be run or not
middleware xbotcore xbotcore, ros_control which middleware should be used to connect with gazebo
xbot_config_file configs/ADVR_shared/centauro/configs/config_centauro.yaml string path to xbot config file

Gazebo configuration parameters

Argument Default Values Description
paused true true, false if the simulation should be paused at the beginning, may be useful if initialization takes time
use_sim_time true true, false if ROS should be driven by a simulation time or the world clock
gui true true, false if gazebo GUI should be started
debug false true, false if gazebo should start through gdb
physics ode ode, bullet, simbody which physics engine should be loaded
verbose false true, false if verbose logging information should be loaded

CENTAURO model configuration parameters

Defined which part of the robot should be loaded

Argument Default Values Description
arms true true, false, right, left if 'false' arms are not loaded, if 'left'/'right' only this arm is loaded
torso true true, false, fixed if torso should be loaded, if not also the rest of upper-body is not loaded, if 'fixed' torso_yaw joint is fixed
legs true true, false if legs should be loaded, if not also wheels are not loaded
head false true, false if head should be loaded
wheels false true, false OBSOLETE: if wheels should be loaded
static false true, false if the system is floating base or static
mass 0 positive number 5x5x5 cm box is added 10 cm from a last arm joint axis of mass kg
left_end_effector stick stick, heri, soft_hand, schunk_hand, fixed_soft_hand, unknown* which end_effector should be loaded on the left arm, if unknown no end_effector will be loaded
right_end_effector stick stick, heri, soft_hand, schunk_hand, fixed_soft_hand, unknown* which end_effector should be loaded on the right arm, if unknown no end_effector will be loaded
  • 'unknown' argument means any string that is not defined as a specific value for this argument

CENTAURO model actuators configuration

Defines which part of the robot should be actuated

Argument Default Description
torso_actuators true if torso should be actuated
arm_actuators true if arms should be actuated
leg_actuators true if legs should be actuated
wheels_actuators true if wheels should be actuated
head_actuators true if head should be actuated

CENTAURO model sensors configuration

Defines which sensors should be loaded for the robot

Argument Default Description Depends
arm_sensors true if sensors on arms should be loaded
leg_sensors true if sensors on legs should be loaded
ft_sensors true if force-torque sensors should be loaded
bumbers true if bumber sensors should be loaded
imu true if imu should be loaded pelvis
kinect true if kinect plugin should be loaded head
velodyne true if velodyne plugin should be loaded head

CENTAURO collision and visualization models

Argument visual_model: default value mesh

Argument collision_model: default value convex_hull

For robot visualization and collision models two arguments 'visual_model' and 'collision_model' are defined, respectively. Each accepts any of following values

Value Description
mesh load realistic mesh file for each link
simplified load simplified realistic mesh files
convex_hull load file describing a convex hull object for each link
capsule load capsules computed based on the model
unknown* load predefined primitives

In case a specific model is not defined for some links, the predefined primitives will be loaded for these links.

  • 'unknown' argument means any string that is not defined as a specific value for this argument

A simulation environment that should be loaded:

WARNING: exactly one parameter has to be true, otherwise simulation behaviour is undefined -->

Argument Default Description
world_name $(find centauro_gazebo)/worlds/centauro.world which simulation environment should be loaded
kinematic_param original name of a .xacro file with simulator kinematic parameters w.r.t $SIMULATOR_PATH/centauro-simulator/centauro/centauro_urdf/kinematic_parameters folder
inertia_param original name of a .xacro file with simulator dynamic parameters w.r.t $SIMULATOR_PATH/centauro-simulator/centauro/centauro_urdf/inertia_parameters folder

How To Generate URDF from Xacro

  • Example with current set of argument:

rosrun xacro xacro --inorder -o test.urdf centauro.urdf.xacro GAZEBO:=false ARMS:=true TORSO:=true ARM_ACTUATORS:=true LEGS:=true LEG_ACTUATORS:=true TORSO_ACTUATORS:=true WHEELS:=false WHEELS_ACTUATORS:=false STATIC:=false COLLISION_MODEL:=convex_hull VISUAL_MODEL:=mesh END_EFFECTOR:=stick ARM_SENSORS:=false MASS:=0 INERTIA_PARAM:=original KINEMATIC_PARAM:=original HEAD_ACTUATORS:=true HEAD:=true

  • Using script generating urdf file calling:

$SIMULATOR_PATH/centauro-simulator/centauro/centauro_urdf/script/create_urdf_srdf_sdf.sh centauro

WARNING: it uses the parameters defined in: $SIMULATOR_PATH/centauro-simulator/centauro/centauro_urdf/urdf/config/ros_args

the new urdf file $SIMULATOR_PATH/centauro-simulator/centauro/centauro_urdf/urdf/centauro.urdf is generated ONLY IF this file does not exists.