
Scripts and how-tos for comparative genomics work.

Primary LanguageR

Comparative Genomic Analysis Workflow

Megan Barkdull


This repository hosts the workflow for a comparative genomics analysis. The general overview is:

Put more simply:

Using this workflow:

To use this workflow, simply clone this repository onto your own machine. You will run all Bash scripts in the main directory associated with this repository (i.e., in /FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/)

1. Downloading data:

For a project of this kind, you will need coding sequence and protein data, as well as GFF-formatted annotations, from your species of interest. The Bash script DataDownload can download these data for you. This script requires an input file, which should be a comma-delimited text file with:

  • Coding sequence download URLs in the first column
  • Protein sequence download URLs in the second column
  • GFF-formatted annotation download URLs in the third column
  • Species abbreviation codes in the fourth column; I suggest something like first letter of gene and first three letters of species.
  • yes/no values in the fifth column; the indicates whether or not longest isoforms ought to be calculated for this species. See section 2 for details.

See ./scripts/inputurls.txt for an example.

Once you have an input URLs file, simply run the script by executing the following command in a Bash shell:

./scripts/DataDownload ./scripts/inputurls.txt

This will create a new directory, ./1_RawData, containing the downloaded input files.

2. Selecting longest isoforms:

Protein and coding sequence datasets are likely to include multiple isoforms for many genes. This project makes use of just the single longest isoform for each gene. To filter down to just the longest isoforms, you’ll use the script GeneRetrieval. This is an R script which uses the R package orthologr to filter for longest isoforms based on a protein sequence file and a GFF-formatted annotation file. The script then matches protein names to gene names in order to subset the coding sequence file to just the longest isoforms.

Crucially, in order for this script to work properly, the script expects transcript gene names to look like this:

  • >lcl|NW_012130065.1_cds_XP_012054525.1_1 [gene=LOC105617575] [db_xref=GeneID:105617575] [protein=proton-coupled amino acid transporter 4-like] [frame=2] [partial=5'] [protein_id=XP_012054525.1] [location=join(<125..532,740..1100,1848..2438)] [gbkey=CDS]

And processes them to look like:

  • XP_012054525.1

Where XP_012054525.1 is the name of a protein in the proteins file.

To run this script, simply use the command:

./scripts/GeneRetrieval /scripts/inputurls.txt

This will create two files for each species, one with the longest protein isoforms and one with the longest coding sequence isoforms, in the directory 2_LongestIsoforms.

If you use this step, please cite orthologr as follows:

Drost et al. 2015. Evidence for Active Maintenance of Phylotranscriptomic Hourglass Patterns in Animal and Plant Embryogenesis. Mol. Biol. Evol. 32 (5): 1221-1231. doi:10.1093/molbev/msv012

3. Cleaning the raw data:

The raw data is likely to have several features that will make future steps difficult or annoying. To solve this problem, you’ll want to run the script DataCleaning. This will remove any special characters from gene names (for example, _ or (), which Orthofinder will change, causing errors) and add your four-letter taxon abbreviation to the beginning of each gene name. To run this script, simply use the command:

./scripts/DataCleaning ./scripts/inputurls.txt

This will create a new directory, ./3_CleanedData, that contains the cleaned transcript files.

4. Translating nucleotide sequences to amino acid sequences:

For many steps of this workflow, you’ll actually need amino acid sequences rather than protein sequences. Therefore, we’ll need to translate the data we downloaded. This will be done in one of two ways:

  • If the data you downloaded are raw transcript data, meaning for example that they don’t start with a start codon, then we’ll use Transdecoder to process and translate them into meaningful amino acid sequences.
  • If they have already been processed and begin with start codons, we can take a simpler route and just translate them with the use of a codon table.

The script ./scripts/DataTranslating takes care of this process for us. It will attempt to run Transdecoder on each cleaned transcripts file; if the data is unprocessed, this will give us a translated output file. If the data is already processed, Transdecoder will fail to run and the script will instead translate the file with my Python script, ./scripts/TranscriptFilesTranslateScript.py. Note that the Python script will fail in it’s entirety if it told to run on any species that does not have data present in the directory ./3_CleanedData.

This step uses the path to Transdecoder on Cornell’s BioHPC. I plan to update the script in future so that it is more portabe. In the meantime, you’d need to edit lines 26 and 27 of ./scripts/DataTranslating so that they point to Transdecoder on your machine.

To run this step, simply use the command:

./scripts/DataTranslating ./scripts/inputurls.txt

This will create a new directory, ./TranslatedData/OutputFiles/, that contains the translated transcript files.

If you use Transdecoder, please cite it as: Haas, B., and A. Papanicolaou. “TransDecoder.” (2017).

5. Running Orthofinder:

Next, we will use Orthofinder to identify groups of orthologous genes in our amino acid sequences, and to produce multiple sequence alignments with MAFFT. To run Orthofinder automatically, you can use the Bash script DataOrthofinder. This script takes a version number as a command line option to run either version 2.4.1 or version 2.3.8. The script is currently written to work on Cornell’s BioHPC, and so may require some changes to run on other machines (editing at least lines 14-16 and 42-46).

To run this step, use the command: " ./scripts/DataOrthofinder [version number, either 'current' or '2.3.8'] [full path to a species tree where tip names correspond to file names, for example 'acep_transcripts']

This will infer orthogroups and multiple-sequence alignments of amino acid sequences; MAFFT is used to generate the multiple sequence alignments. Outputs will be found in a new subdirectory of /FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/, ./OrthoFinder/fasta/OrthoFinder.

If you use Orthofinder, please cite it:

  • OrthoFinder’s orthogroup and ortholog inference are described here:
    • Emms, D.M., Kelly, S. OrthoFinder: solving fundamental biases in whole genome comparisons dramatically improves orthogroup inference accuracy. Genome Biol 16, 157 (2015)
    • Emms, D.M., Kelly, S. OrthoFinder: phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics. Genome Biol 20, 238 (2019)
  • If you use the OrthoFinder species tree then also cite:
    • Emms D.M. & Kelly S. STRIDE: Species Tree Root Inference from Gene Duplication Events (2017), Mol Biol Evol 34(12): 3267-3278
    • Emms D.M. & Kelly S. STAG: Species Tree Inference from All Genes (2018), bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/267914

***Please also cite MAFFT: ***

  • K. Katoh, K. Misawa, K. Kuma, and T. Miyata. 2002. MAFFT: a novel method for rapid multiple sequence alignment based on fast Fourier transform. Nucleic Acids Res. 30(14): 3059-3066.

6. Preparing files for PAL2NAL:

6.1 Reordering multiple sequence alignment files for PAL2NAL

Orthofinder produces a single file for every individual orthogroup, containing the alignments for the sequences in that orthogroup. However, in order to create codon-aware alignments with PAL2NAL, we need files that contain all of the alignments for each individual species.

The R script DataMSA.R will recombine the Orthofinder outputs so that they can be input to PAL2NAL. To run the script, you’ll need to get the full path to the MSA files created by Orthofinder in the previous step (it will be something like /workdir/mb2337/FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/OrthoFinder/fasta/OrthoFinder/Results_*/MultipleSequenceAlignments). Then use the command:

./scripts/DataMSA.R ./scripts/inputurls /FullPathToMSAFiles

The recombined output files can be found in the directory 6_1_SpeciesMSA.

6.2 Filtering coding sequences for PAL2NAL:

The nucleotide sequence file that is run through PAL2NAL can have only the genes that are also present in the protein alignment file. Since our protein alignment files contain only a subset of genes, we need to filter through the nucleotide sequence files so that they too contain only this subset. To do this, use the R script FilteringCDSbyMSA.R. This script checks whether genes in the coding sequence file are present in the multiple sequence alignment file, then pulls the corresponding nucleotide sequences from the coding sequence file into a new, filtered output.

To run this step, just use the command: ./scripts/FilteringCDSbyMSA.R ./scripts/inputurls

This script will output filtered coding sequence files to the subdirectory 6_2_FilteredCDS.

7. Generating codon-aware nucleotide alignments with PAL2NAL:

PAL2NAL will generate codon-aware nucleotide alignments, based on an input of an amino acid multiple sequence alignment and a nucleotide sequence. These inputs have been generated by the previous step.

Now, to run PAL2NAL, use the Bash script ./scripts/DataRunPAL2NAL by executing the command:

./scripts/DataRunPAL2NAL ./scripts/inputurls

This will produce a new directory, 7_PAL2NALOutput, containing an aligned nucleotide sequence file for each species.

8. Testing for positive selection with BUSTED[S]

BUSTED[S] assesses whether there is evidence for positive selection on a gene at any site along any branch in a phylogeny.

8.1 Assembling nucleotide sequence orthogroups for input to BUSTED[S].

To run BUSTED[S], we will need files that contain orthologous nucleotide sequences from each species. Therefore, we must recombine our codon-aware alignments in a step that is the inverse of step 5.1. To do this, use the R script ./scripts/DataSubsetCDS.R. Run with the command:

Rscript ./scripts/DataSubsetCDS.R ./scripts/inputurls_partial [path to multiple sequence alignments from Orthofinder]

This will produce a new directory, 8_1_CDSOrthogroups/MultipleSequenceAlignments/Output that will contain files of orthologous nucleotide sequences for input to BUSTED[S].

8.2 Masking stop codons from orthogroup sequences

BUSTED[S] will not run on sequences which contain stop codons, even if these are reasonable, terminal stop codons. Hyphy includes a utility which will mask these these terminal stop codons in the orthogroups (there should be few-to-no other stop codons, because our alignments are codon-aware). To execute this step, use the script /scripts/DataRemoveStopCodons by simply runnng the command ./scripts/DataRemoveStopCodons (no need for any additional arguments.

This will produce a new directory, 8_2_RemovedStops that will contain files of orthologous nucleotide sequences with stop codons masked, ready for input to BUSTED[S].

8.3 Running BUSTED[S]

Running BUSTED[S] single-threaded

Natively, HyPhy analyses will attempt to use as many threads as possible; however, only some steps can be run in a mult-threaded manner. This method of running BUSTED[S] will run on a single orthogroup at a time. To run BUSTED[S], use the Bash script ./scripts/DataRunningBusted. This script will run BUSTED[S] to test for positive selection on the sequences. To run this step, use the command ./scripts/DataRunningBusted [absolute path to the gene tree files from Orthofinder, something like /workdir/mb2337/FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/5_Orthofinder/fasta/Orthofinder/Results*/Gene_Trees].

Running BUSTED[S] multi-threaded

To speed up analysis, different orthogroups can be run simultaneously. To run BUSTED[S] in this manner, use the command ./scripts/BUSTEDmultithreaded [absolute path to the gene tree files from Orthofinder, something like /workdir/mb2337/FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/5_Orthofinder/fasta/Orthofinder/Results*/Gene_Trees]. I would recommend this approach.

8.4 Parsing results from BUSTED[S]

BUSTED[S] outputs results in the form of a JSON file. To parse these results, you can use the script ParsingBustedResults.R. You’ll need to have already annotated orthogroups, as described in step 11, below. This script: + Reads in BUSTED[S] results; + Converts them from JSON files to a spreadsheet; + Uses topGO to assess GO term enrichment of genes under positive selection.

To run this script, use the command:

Rscript ./scripts/ParsingBustedResults.R [full path to BUSTED[S] results] 

Results will be output in the directory ./Results/.

If you use this script, please cite topGO:

  • Alexa A, Rahnenfuhrer J (2021). topGO: Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology. R package version 2.44.0.

9. Testing for positive selection with BUSTED-PH

BUSTED-PH determines whether there is evidence for selection occuring in association with a trait/phenotype. In this workflow, we will use it to assess evidence for selection in a set of foreground branches (species of interest) vs. background branches (all other species). Like BUSTED[S], BUSTED-PH will require some data preparation steps.

9.1 Labelling phylogenies for input to BUSTED-PH

BUSTED-PH requires two things as input: a set of aligned coding sequences, and a phylogeny- in our case, because we want to assess selection in foreground vs. background branches, a labelled phylogeny. We have inferred gene trees for all of our orthogroups, and now need to label them for input to BUSTED-PH. This can be done using a script included with HYPHY, or using the script LabellingPhylogeniesHYPHY.R. This script will label tips with the tag {Foreground} based on their match to a set of species abbreviations, and will label all internal nodes that are parent to labelled tips:

side-by-side labelled and unlabelled phylogeny

LabellingPhylogeniesHYPHY.R can be run with the command:

LabellingPhylogeniesHYPHY.R [the full path to Orthofinder's gene trees] [a text file list of species abbreviations to label as foreground] [a prefix for the output files]

This will create a new directory, ./9_1_LabelledPhylogenies, with subdirectories corresponding to each run of the script, named according to the prefix assigned to output files of that run. In that subdirectory will be the labelled phylogenies.

9.3 Running BUSTED-PH

BUSTED-PH can be run with the script ./scripts/BUSTEDPHmultithreaded. This script chunks the orthogroups into groups of fifty, then stars a background process for each orthogroup in a chunk, passing them to the script ./scripts/SingleBustedPHRun, which creates an input file and runs BUSTED-PH. This allows you to take advantages of multiple cores on your machine, speeding up the run. To run BUSTED-PH, then, use the command:

./scripts/BUSTEDPHmultithreaded [full path to the directory containing labelled phylogenies from step 9.1] [prefix used when labelling phylogenies]

Results will be output in the directory ./9_3_BustedPHResults/[labelling prefix]

BUSTED-PH is currently an unpublished method, with no paper to cite. Please check the GitHub to see if the method has been published, and cite accordingly.

Parsing BUSTED-PH results

I am interesting in whether there are more or fewer genes under positive selection in association with particular traits, and in the categories of gene that are under selection. To assess these things, you can use the R script ParsingBustedPHResults.R. In order to run this analysis, you’ll need to have already annotated orthogroups as described in step 11, below. This script:

  • Reads in BUSTED-PH results;
  • Converts them from JSON files to a spreadsheet;
  • Runs a Fisher’s exact test to determine there is a signficiant difference in positive selection between the fore- and background species;
  • Uses topGO to assess GO term enrichment of positively selected genes.

To run this script, use the command:

Rscript ./scripts/ParsingBustedPHResults.R [full path to BUSTED-PH results] [labelling prefix for this trait]

Results will be output in the directory ./Results/[labelling prefix].

If you use this script, please cite topGO:

  • Alexa A, Rahnenfuhrer J (2021). topGO: Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology. R package version 2.44.0.

10. Testing for relaxed selection with RELAX

10.0 Labelling phylogenies for input to RELAX

As with aBSREL, RELAX requires labelled phylogenies. You can generate these with LabellingPhylogeniesHYPHY.R as described in section 9.1; indeed, you can likely reuse the phylogenies you generated for aBSREL.

10.1 Running RELAX

RELAX is a method from HYPHY that asks whether the strength of natural selection has been increased or decreased along test branches. In order to run RELAX, as with aSBREL, you’ll need a labelled phylogeny and a set of orthogroup sequences. Then, RELAX can be run with the command ./scripts/DataRunningRelax [full path to labelled phylogenies] [prefix used when labelling phylogenies].

Parsing RELAX results

I am interesting in whether there are more or fewer genes under relaxed selection in association with particular traits, and in the categories of gene that are under relaxed selection. To assess these things, you can use the R script ParsingBustedPHResults.R. In order to run this analysis, you’ll need to have already annotated orthogroups as described in step 11, below. This script:

  • Reads in RELAX results;
  • Converts them from JSON files to a spreadsheet;
  • Runs a Fisher’s exact test, following Schneider, Adams, and Elmer (2019), to determine there is a signficiant difference in the rate of relaxed vs. intensified selection on the foreground species;
  • Uses topGO to assess GO term enrichment of genes under relaxed selection.

To run this script, use the command:

Rscript ./scripts/ParsingRelaxResults.R [full path to BUSTED-PH results] [labelling prefix for this trait]

Results will be output in the directory ./Results/[labelling prefix].

If you use this script, please cite topGO:

  • Alexa A, Rahnenfuhrer J (2021). topGO: Enrichment Analysis for Gene Ontology. R package version 2.44.0.

11. Annotating proteins with InterProScan and annotating orthogroups with KinFin

If you’re interested in drawing conclusions about the function of genes evolving under a particular selection regime, you’ll need to get functional annotations. This can be accomplished with a combination of InterProScan, which will annotate individual genes, and KinFin, which will use gene-level annotations to assign a function to whole orthogroups (which are the level of analysis for BUSTED, BUSTED-PH and RELAX).

You can run both InterProScan and KinFin with the script RunningInterProScan, using the command:

./scripts/RunningInterProScan [path to the input urls file] [full path to the Orthofinder fasta directory, something like inputurls_full.txt /workdir/mb2337/FormicidaeMolecularEvolution/5_OrthoFinder/fasta/]

This will output three files in the directory ./11_InterProScan: cluster_domain_annotation.Pfam.txt, cluster_domain_annotation.IPR.txt, and cluster_domain_annotation.GO.txt, which can be combined with the results of tests for selection in order to understand which genes are under a particular selective regime.

To do:

For the step where you must convert the outputs of OrthoFinder to be inputs for RERConverge, please see the Comparative Genomics repository