[CVPR'24] UniRepLKNet: A Universal Perception Large-Kernel ConvNet for Audio, Video, Point Cloud, Time-Series and Image Recognition
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unireplknet_s is slower than convnext_b
#22 opened by VERYBC - 2
Install install 19_large_depthwise_conv2d_torch_extension but ”bash: ./ Permission denied“
#18 opened by CYYJL - 0
How to convert TesorRT
#21 opened by monologuesmw - 0
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Why UniRepLKNet does not using drop path.
#17 opened by powermano - 0
#16 opened by wsy-yjys - 3
input_size 384*128 tends to be nan
#14 opened by Zoesxw - 3
The training is very slow
#15 opened by tinggh - 0
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#10 opened by prestyan - 1
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cp: 无法获取'ModelNet40' 的文件状态(stat): 没有那个文件或目录
#11 opened by TKroos18 - 1
error: command 'C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v11.4\\bin\\nvcc.exe'
#6 opened by ll8657 - 1
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depthwise conv 似乎没加速
#7 opened by ZhuShengchen - 1
#9 opened by xzx0554 - 4
#4 opened by EveningLin - 2
A small bug in reparameterize()
#8 opened by elokuuM - 2
The parameter loading is incomplete
#3 opened by Manningchan