Action-Based Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving

This repository is forked from code associated with the paper: Action-Based Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving

Experiments Summary

The processes can be defined as four types:

  • Train an encoder model (Behaviour Cloning (BC), Inverse, Forward, ST-DIM)
  • Train a MLP for affordances outputs. The pre-trained encoder model will be used.
  • Validation on affordances prediction.
  • Actual drive using controller tuned with affordances prediction.

Setting Environments & Getting Datasets

  1. Download the dataset customized.

  2. change path to your dataset folder with SRL_DATASET_PATH in and

  3. Download the repository

        git clone
  1. change path to your downloaded repository with ACTIONDIR in and

  2. Download the CARLA version we used with this link, and put it inside your downloaded repository folder

  3. change the absolute path file_dir in carl/cexp/env/ to your local folder path.

Training Encoder

  1. Define configuration files for training. Refer to files in configs folder

  2. Run the file with "train_encoder" process by only commenting in the corresponding line: python3 --single-process train_encoder --gpus 0 --encoder-folder ENCODER --encoder-exp customized where --single-process defines the process type, --gpus defines the gpu to be used, --encoder-folder is the experiment folder you defined in config folder, and --encoder-exp is the experiment you defined inside the experiment folder.

Training MLP for affordances

  1. Define configuration files for training. Refer to files in configs folder

  2. Run the file with "train_encoder" process by only commenting in the corresponding line: python3 --single-process train --gpus 0 --encoder-folder ENCODER --encoder-exp customized --encoder-checkpoint 30000 -f EXP -e customized

Validate on affordances prediction

  1. Run the file with "train_encoder" process by only commenting in the corresponding line: python3 --single-process validation --gpus 0 --encoder-folder ENCODER --encoder-exp customized --encoder-checkpoint 30000 -f EXP -e customized -vj $ACTIONDIR/carl/database/CoRL2020/customized.json




  • Yi Xiao, Felipe Codevilla, Christopher Pal, Antonio M. Lopez, Action-Based Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving.

     title={Action-Based Representation Learning for Autonomous Driving},
     author={Y. Xiao and Felipe Codevilla and C. Pal and Antonio M. L{\'o}pez},
  • Coiltraine, which can be used to easily train and manage the trainings of imitation learning networks jointly with evaluations on the CARLA simulator.

  • Cexp, which is a interface to the CARLA simulator and the scenario runner to produce fully usable environments.