This repository contains code to train and evaluate CIFAR10 models against adversarially chosen rotations and translations. It can be used to reproduce the main experiments of:
A Rotation and a Translation Suffice:
Fooling CNNs with Simple Transformations
Logan Engstrom*, Brandon Tran*, Dimitris Tsipras*, Ludwig Schmidt, Aleksander
The main scipts to run are
, which will train and
evaluate a model respectively. Options are all included in config.json
annotated below.
"model": {
"output_dir": "output/test",
# padding mode, passed directly to tf.pad
"pad_mode": "constant",
"filters": [16, 16, 32, 64],
# size of image fed to classifier,set to 64 for black-canvas setting (no
# information loss during rotation and translation)
"pad_size": 32
"training": {
"tf_random_seed": 557212,
"np_random_seed": 993101,
"max_num_training_steps": 80000,
"num_output_steps": 100,
"num_summary_steps": 100,
"num_eval_steps": 500,
"num_checkpoint_steps": 500,
"batch_size": 128,
"step_size_schedule": [[0, 0.1], [40000, 0.01], [60000, 0.001]],
"momentum": 0.9,
"weight_decay": 0.0002,
# interleaves evaluation steps during training, useful for single GPU runs
"eval_during_training": true,
# include Linf and spatial attacks during training
"adversarial_training": false,
# use random left-right flip (see note below)
"data_augmentation": true
"eval": {
"num_eval_examples": 10000,
"batch_size": 128,
# useful for quickly computing standard accuracy if set to false
"adversarial_eval": true
"attack": {
# perform Linf-bounded PGD attack
"use_linf": false,
# perform adversarial rotations and translations
"use_spatial": true,
# parameters for PGD attacks
"loss_function": "xent", # can also be set to "cw" for Carlini-Wagner
"epsilon": 8.0,
"num_steps": 5,
"step_size": 2.0,
"random_start": false,
# parameters for spatial attack
# can either be chosen using a few random tries or exhaustive grid search
"spatial_method": "random", # or "grid"
"spatial_limits": [3, 3, 30], # trans_x pix, trans_y pix, rotation degrees
"random_tries": 10, # if method is random choose the worst of x tries
"grid_granularity": [5, 5, 31] # controls how many points are in the grid
"data": { "data_path": "/scratch/datasets/cifar10" }
Data augmentation only included random left-right flips. Standard CIFAR10
augmentation (+-2 pixel crops) can be achieved by setting
adversarial_training: true
, spatial_method: random
, random_tries: 1
spatial_limits: [2, 2, 0]