Pytorch implementation of the DWP with application to MRI segmentation

Primary LanguagePython

Pytorch implementation of the paper Bayesian Generative Models for Knowledge Transfer in MRI Semantic Segmentation Problems

We use Deep Weight Prior (DWP) [1] to perform transfer learning from large source to the smaller target dataset with medical images.

We use a common benchmark - BRATS18 [2] as a target and MS [3] dataset as source dataset.


The method perform better that randomly initialized and fine-tuned models.


[1] Atanov, A., Ashukha, A., Struminsky, K., Vetrov, D., and Welling, M. (2018). The deep weight prior.

[2] Menze, B. H., Jakab, A., Bauer, S., Kalpathy-Cramer, J., Farahani, K., Kirby, J., et al. (2015). The multimodal brain tumor image segmentation benchmark (brats).

[3] CoBrain analytics, (2018). Multiple Sclerosis Human Brain MR Imaging Dataset


Environment setup

The code is base on PyTorch 1.5.0 and PyTorch-Lightning 0.8.0. The exact specification of our environment is provided in the file environment.yml and can be created via

conda env create -f environment.yml

Example on toy dataset

  • Load Source and target dataset into data/dataset_name folders. Below are examples for MNIST abd notMNIST datasets (they will be loaded automatically)

  • Train N models on the source dataset. Here full notMNIST dataset is used

python3 train.py --dataset_name notMNIST --trian_size -1 
  • Train VAE on the kernels
python3 train_vae.py --kernel_size 7
  • Train model on the target dataset with VAE from the previous step as a prior
python3 train.py --dataset_name MNIST --prior notMNIST --trian_size 100 


If you find our paper or code useful, feel free to cite the paper:

  title={Bayesian generative models for knowledge transfer in mri semantic segmentation problems},
  author={Kuzina, Anna and Egorov, Evgenii and Burnaev, Evgeny},
  journal={Frontiers in neuroscience},