
ROS 2 Package to Publish Camera Image as sensor_msgs/Image message. Compatible with Raspberry Pi 64 Bit OS. ROS cv_bridge package is not required.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ROS 2 Camera Image Publish Package

ROS 2 Package to Publish Camera Image as sensor_msgs/Image message. Compatible with Raspberry Pi 64 Bit OS. ROS cv_bridge package is not required. Only depends on OpenCV Python 3.


Computer Fusion Laboratory (CFL) - Temple University College of Engineering

Setup Raspberry Pi 64 Bit (RaspiOS arm64)

Follow instructions from https://github.com/ANI717/headless_raspberrypi_setup

Setup ROS 2 Dashing from Source

Follow instructions from https://github.com/ANI717/ros2_raspberrypi64


GLobal Modules (Can be installed globally with PIP)


ROS Modules (Comes with ROS 2 installation)


Install OpenCV

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install python3-opencv

Parameter Settings

Edit settings.json file to set the parameters.

device_index: 0
      (Camera Device Index for OpenCV Videocapture. This is useful while working with multiple cameras.)

topic: "racecar/camera" (topic name)

queue_size: 1 (amount of queued messages)

period: 0.1 (execution time)

Install and Run Package

git clone https://github.com/ANI717/ros2_camera_publish
colcon build && . install/setup.bash && ros2 run ros2_camera_publish execute