ParticleTracking is a repository containing two Python packages for extracting 3D coordinate data from microgravity experiment image data. In these experiments a granular gas was observed with a stereo-camera system, specifically a granular gas of rod-like particles. The goal is to automatically extract the coordinate data and provide a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to correct mistakes manually in an efficient way.
The first part is the ParticleDetection package that enables:
- the training of R-CNN models for detecting particles in stereo-camera images
- the assignment of particle correspondences between both images of the stereo setup
- the reconstruction of 3D coordinates for particles identified in both stereo images
- the tracking of particles over the course of an experiment
The RodTracker package is a GUI encapsulating the most used functionality of the ParticleDetection package. It enables users to carry out the aforementioned tasks, except for training a model. Additionally, it provides the means to manually correct placement and assignment mistakes of the automated processes.
Please refer to the documentation for more detailed information.