
Primary LanguageCMakeBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause



This package provides cmake helper macros in order to run clang-tidy and clang-format on your code.

It also contains python scripts that wrap around those tools to adapt their behavior.

The source code is released under a BSD 3-Clause license.

Author(s): Gabriel Hottiger



  • clang
  • clang-tidy
  • clang-format


Both catkin and plain CMake builds are supported.


To build cmake_clang_tools with catkin run the following command.

  catkin build cmake_clang_tools


To install cmake_clang_tools run the following commands in the root folder of the repository.

  mkdir -p build
  cd build
  cmake ..
  make                              # local build
  sudo make install                 # install in /usr/local


To uninstall cmake_clang_tools run the following commands in the root folder of the repository.

  cd build
  sudo make uninstall               # uninstall from /usr/local


Enabling cmake_clang_tools in your project.

In order to use cmake_clang_tools in your CMake/catkin project you will have to add the following steps.

Package.xml (for catkin only)



Default usage

The default macro add_default_clang_tooling sets reasonable default values for the arguments of add_clang_tooling. It assumes that the source code of the package is located in folders named src, include and test. This macro will fix formatting issues during compilation. If all targets are present in the list (${PROJECT_NAME}, ${PROJECT_NAME}_core, ${PROJECT_NAME}_node, test_${PROJECT_NAME}, test_${PROJECT_NAME}_core, test_${PROJECT_NAME}_node) the TARGETS option can be omitted.

# Generate compile_commands.json (needed if clang-tidy is run)

# Add your project lib and/or executable (e.g. myLib, myExec)

# Add clang tooling to your target
find_package(cmake_clang_tools QUIET)
    TARGETS myLib myExec

Advanced usage

# Generate compile_commands.json (needed if clang-tidy is run)

# Add your project lib and/or executable (e.g. myLib, myExec)

# Add clang tooling to your target
find_package(cmake_clang_tools QUIET)
    TARGETS myLib myExec

Some example flags were used for the add_clang_tooling cmake macro, see below for a complete list.

Running cmake_clang_tools

The format checking/fixing (using clang-format) happens before the source code is built and is triggered automatically on every build.

The static analysis (using clang-tidy) has two run behaviors. Per default, the static analysis is executed when the run_static_analysis CMake target is built. To run static analysis for my_package run the following command:

catkin build --catkin-make-args run_static_analysis -- my_package --no-deps

You can configure clang-tidy to run on every build, by setting the ATTACH_TO_ALL option for clang tidy. This is only recommended in combination with toggling of the cmake_clang_tools configuration (described in the next section). Otherwise, it can lead to significant compile time overhead during the development phase.

Configure cmake_clang_tools

You can configure cmake_clang_tools with a config file located at /home/$USER/.config/cmake_clang_tools/config.yaml. The file will be generated with the following default configuration on it's first run.

# Toggle execution of clang-format (true/false).
run_clang_format: true
# Toggle execution of clang-tidy (true/false).
run_clang_tidy: true
# Only run cmake_clang_tools for the packages contained in this whitelist.
# Empty list -> run on all packages.
whitelist: { }
# Don't run cmake_clang_tools for the packages contained in this blacklist.
# Empty list -> run on all packages.
blacklist: { }

With the first two arguments you can toggle execution of clang_tidy and clang_format. This is meant as a temporary solution while developing, since clang_tidy can increase compile time quite a bit.

If you only want to run cmake_clang_tools on some packages, you can configure a whitelist. You can also exclude packages by blacklisting them. This is useful if you are the maintainer of only a subset of packages that you compile from source.



Disable formatting

To disable formatting temporarily use:

Eigen::Matrix2d m;  // clang-format off
m << 2.0, 3.0
     4.0, 5.0;      // clang-format on


The formatting options can be configured with a .clang-format file.

See the List of Style Options.

Current Settings: Check out the .clang-format file in the config folder.


Disable checks

To disable checks temporarily use:

// Silent all the diagnostics for the line
Foo(int param); // NOLINT

// Silent only the specified checks for the line
Foo(double param); // NOLINT(google-explicit-constructor, google-runtime-int)

// Silent only the specified diagnostics for the next line
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(google-explicit-constructor, google-runtime-int)
Foo(bool param);


The code check options can be configured with a .clang-tidy file.

See the List of Checks.

Current Settings: Check out the .clang-tidy file in the config folder.

CMake macros


                          [SOURCE_DIRS sourceDir1 .. sourceDirN]
                          [CT_CONFIG_FILE ct_config_path]
                          [CT_HEADER_DIRS dir1 .. dirN]
                          [CT_HEADER_EXCLUDE_DIRS excludeDir1 .. excludeDirN]
                          [CT_HEADER_FILTER header_filter]
                          [CT_BUILD_DIR build_dir]
                          [CT_CHECKS check1 .. checkN]
                          [CF_CONFIG_FILE cf_config_path])

CF_NO_FIX Don't fix formatting issues

For the remaining options check the add_clang_tooling macro.


                  [SOURCE_DIRS sourceDir1 .. sourceDirN]
                  [CT_CONFIG_FILE ct_config_path]
                  [CT_HEADER_DIRS dir1 .. dirN]
                  [CT_HEADER_EXCLUDE_DIRS excludeDir1 .. excludeDirN]
                  [CT_HEADER_FILTER header_filter]
                  [CT_BUILD_DIR build_dir]
                  [CT_CHECKS check1 .. checkN]
                  [CF_CONFIG_FILE cf_config_path])

SOURCE_DIRS Directories for which clang tools are ran

DISABLE_CLANG_TIDY Don't run clang-tidy

DISABLE_CLANG_FORMAT Don't run clang-format

For the remaining options check the following macros, where CT stands form clang-tidy and CF for clang-format.


                 [SOURCES source1 .. sourceN]
                 [CONFIG_FILE config_path])

TARGETS Targets for which clang-format is ran on POST_BUILD

SOURCES Source files to run clang-format on

WERROR Treat formatting issues as errors

FIX Fix formatting issues inline

QUIET Output to stdout instead of stderr

CONFIG_FILE Clang-format config file to be used (default: .clang-format in this repo)


ADD_CLANG_TIDY(TARGETS target1 .. targetN
               [SOURCES source1 .. sourceN]
               [CONFIG_FILE config_path]
               [HEADER_DIRS dir1 .. dirN]
               [HEADER_EXCLUDE_DIRS excludeDir1 .. excludeDirN]
               [HEADER_FILTER header_filter]
               [BUILD_DIR build_dir]
               [CHECKS check1 .. checkN])

TARGETS Targets for which clang-tidy is run on POST_BUILD

SOURCES Source files to run clang-tidy on

WERROR Treat all clang-tidy warnings as errors

FIX Fix clang-tidy issues inline (Not Recommended!)

QUIET Output to stdout instead of stderr

ATTACH_TO_ALL Attach the clang-tidy target to the ALL target. Runs clang-tidy on every build.

CONFIG_FILE Clang-tidy config file to be used (default: .clang-tidy in this repo)

HEADER_DIRS Header directories, all include directories of your project

HEADER_EXCLUDE_DIRS Header directories to exclude from HEADER_DIRS (Thus HEADER_DIRS must be set!)

HEADER_FILTER Header filter, regular expression (*,|) to filter headers. Only active if HEADER_DIRS are not set. (default: .*)

BUILD_DIR Build directory of the target, compile_commands.json should be located in here. (default: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR})

CHECKS Add/remove checks to/from the configuration file (default: []) Use the check name to add a new check or prefix the check name with - to remove it. See list of clang-tidy checks.



Clang format and clang tidy are built-in tools in CLion. Add the .clang-tidy and .clang-format files to the root of your project path. Jetbrains provides setup instructions for clang format and clang tidy.


There exist plugins to support clang tooling for eclipse.

Add clang format as a plugin

See here

Add clang tidy as a plugin

See here