
Cannot properly install kindr

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I would like to run the elevation map node, which has a dependency on kindr, however I am unable to properly install kindr or even compile it.

I have tried sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-kindr, subsequently calling roscd kindr did not find the package. The folder /opt/ros/indigo/share/kindr only contains a cmake folder and within it a file named kindrConfig.cmake.

I also tried to clone this repository and build it with the instructions. During the compilation I keep getting the same error:

~/catkin_ws/src/elevation_mapping/elevation_mapping/include/elevation_mapping/ElevationMap.hpp:23:37: fatal error: kindr/poses/PoseEigen.hpp: No such file or directory
    #include <kindr/poses/PoseEigen.hpp>

I have made sure Eigen is properly installed. I am at loss now.

Ubuntu 14.04
ROS Indigo