
Assertion fails when not explicitly building for release.

jsburklund opened this issue · 2 comments

Assertion fails when not explicitly building for release.

pointmatcher-ros/pointmatcher_ros/src/point_cloud.cpp:110: typename PointMatcher<T>::DataPoints PointMatcher_ros::rosMsgToPointMatcherCloud(const PointCloud2&, bool) [with T = float; typename PointMatcher<T>::DataPoints = PointMatcher<float>::DataPoints; sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 = sensor_msgs::PointCloud2_<std::allocator<void> >]: Assertion fieldTypes.size() == rosMsg.fields.size()' failed.`

I can't seem to replicate this issue. This may have occurred during the upgrade to 18.04. This may or may not have been fixed by using a fresh install of 18.04 instead of upgrading from 16.04

Tested on commit 4f0da6e with Melodic on Ubuntu 18.04. This doesn't seem to be an issue anymore, and may have occurred during the transition from Kinetic to Melodic with some left-over packages on my computer.