
[RA-L 2023] Coco-LIC: Continuous-Time Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry using Non-Uniform B-spline

Primary LanguageC++


Coco-LIC: Continuous-Time Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry using Non-Uniform B-spline

r3live fastlivo lvisam

The following are three main characters of 🥥 Coco-LIC [Paper] [Video] :

  • dynamically place control points to unlock the real power of the continuous-time trajectory
  • tightly fuse LiDAR-Inertial-Camera data in a short sliding window based on a factor graph
  • support multimodal multiple LiDARs and achieve great performance in degenerated cases


  • ROS(tested with noetic)
  • Eigen 3.3.7
  • Ceres 2.0.0
  • OpenCV 4
  • PCL >= 1.13
  • livox_ros_driver
  • yaml-cpp


mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Livox-SDK/livox_ros_driver.git
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/APRIL-ZJU/Coco-LIC.git
cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make
source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/Coco-LIC && mkdir data


  • Download R3LIVE dataset or FAST-LIVO dataset or NTU-VIRAL dataset or LVI-SAM dataset.

  • Configure parameters in the config/ct_odometry_xxx.yaml file.

    • log_path: the path to log
    • config_path: the path of config folder
    • bag_path: the file path of rosbag
  • Run on R3LIVE dataset for example.

    roslaunch cocolic odometry.launch config_path:=config/ct_odometry_r3live.yaml

    The estimated trajectory is saved in the folder ./src/Coco-LIC/data.

Supplementary1 - non-uniform verification

1 control point per 0.1 seconds 🥊 adaptively placing control points per 0.1 seconds.

The different colors of the trajectory correspond to different densities of control points.

Supplementary2 - comparison on NTU-VIRAL

We additionally compare Coco-LIC with our previous work CLIC on NTU-VIRAL dataset, employing 1 LiDAR.

The best results are marked in bold. It can be seen that Coco-LIC stably outperforms CLIC.


  • serve as the front-end of incremental 3D Gaussian Splatting(Gaussian-LIC
  • optimize the code architecture (rosbag play mode) and support ikd-tree for acceleration


If you find our work helpful, please consider citing 🌟:

  title={Coco-LIC: continuous-time tightly-coupled LiDAR-inertial-camera odometry using non-uniform B-spline},
  author={Lang, Xiaolei and Chen, Chao and Tang, Kai and Ma, Yukai and Lv, Jiajun and Liu, Yong and Zuo, Xingxing},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
  title={Continuous-time fixed-lag smoothing for lidar-inertial-camera slam},
  author={Lv, Jiajun and Lang, Xiaolei and Xu, Jinhong and Wang, Mengmeng and Liu, Yong and Zuo, Xingxing},
  journal={IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics},


Thanks for Basalt, LIO-SAM, Open-VINS, VINS-Mono, R3LIVE and FAST-LIVO.


The code is released under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPL-3).