
"Vrui modified" for use with HTC Vive and ROS + Gazebo

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


"Vrui modified" for use with HTC Vive and ROS + Gazebo


Version of Vrui we're using is Vrui-4.6-005. (up to 04/08/2019) (will be updated)

In case that if Vrui have a new version released, it's make it an issue to build and we're not changing it in time, please change it to the right version for line 154 of vrui_mdf/CMakeLists.txt, line 14 of vrui_mdf/scripts/cod_edi.py.

We're cleaning up the code, so feel free to post an issue when there's any.

For More Details

Figure for implementation


Demo Video





Target Version:

OS: Ubuntu 16.04
ROS: Kinetic
Vrui: 4.6-005 (12/06/2018)
SteamVR: 1.1.3b (11/27/2018)


SteamCMD is needed to download the right version of SteamVR, to install SteamCMD:
(Source site: OSVR/OSVR-Vive#20)

$ sudo apt-get install steamcmd

To use steamcmd:

$ steamcmd
$ login <YOUR-STEAM-NAME>  
$ download_depot 250820 250823 2021799642281401918
(download_depot  {appid}  {depotid}  {target manifestid})

For steamvr, appid is 250820, depotid is 25083, manifestid of the target version(1.1.3b, 11/27/2018) is 2021799642281401918.

Look for the right version of steamvr needed in this site:

Manifestid can be find in this site based on the releasing date:

Usually, the depot will be downloaded to:


Replace the package with the current one which is at:


Then run the script of Vrui to install


Releasing time line of vrui:

The newest version 4.6-005 (up to 04/08/2019) :
(this package is based on Ubuntu 16.04, "Build-Ubuntu.sh" should work)

Follow the instruction on the website above to install, may need to use "sudo" to bash the script


To switch between different versions(may not be necessary for this repository):

$ sudo update-alternatives --config gcc


Installation tutorial:
(this package is based on Kinetic, not indigo, need to change the counterpart when installing)


$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ sudo apt install ros-kinetic-joystick-drivers ros-kinetic-teleop-twist-keyboard
$ mkdir ~/catkin_ws/src
$ rosinstall ~/catkin_ws/src /opt/ros/kinetic https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AS4SR/hector_quadrotor/kinetic-devel/tutorials.rosinstall
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

for more information, go to: https://github.com/AS4SR/hector_quadrotor

Other packages:

Xbox controller in Ubuntu:

ROS installation tutorial:
(including methods to search and install indivitual packages)
Use last command in section 1.4 to seach for the correct name of the packages, and install them if needed.

Displays setting:

Vive (usually named as HVR 5" in setting) needs to be set as secondary display on the right side of the main moniter
Resolution: 1920*1200 (16:10)
Rotation: Normal
Launcher placement: Main monitor
Scale all window contents to match: Main monitor

The first number in the 59th line from the code of "src/imagesub" needs to be the width of the main monitor plus one, so change the resolution of the main monitor or change the number in the code.

Before implementation:

build the tracking node:
(assume the package path is "~/catkin/src/vrui_mdf")

$cd vrui_mdf/scripts

$chmod +x cod_edi.py

$cd ~/catkin_ws
(Assume the work space is ~/catkin_ws, and the codes start reading from there)

$rosrun vrui_mdf cod_edi.py

THen you can compile the package with:

$cd ~/catkin_ws


model file path in following codes need to be changed according to the local path:
tracking.cpp, controllers.cpp (all the other controllers), standingpoint.cpp, joy_hector.cpp
(I'll fix this ASAP)


$roslaunch vrui_mdf VR_quadrotor.launch

(using Vive controllers to control quadrotor)
(system button to switch between methods, right triger to assign the point)

$roslaunch vrui_mdf VR_quadrotor_outdoor.launch

(using Vive controllers to control quadrotor, with environment)
(system button to switch between methods, right triger to assign the point)

$roslaunch vrui_mdf VR_quadrotor_xbox.launch

(using xbox controller to control quadrotor)
(up&down button to switch between methods, right triger to assign the point)

$roslaunch vrui_mdf VR_turtlebot.launch

(using Vive controllers to control turtlebot)
(system button to switch between methods, right triger to assign the point)

$roslaunch vrui_mdf VR_turtlebot_xbox.launch

(using xbox controllers to control turtlebot)
(system button to switch between methods, right triger to assign the point)