AttributeError: 'attack_msf' object has no attribute 'cone_f' when running

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Thanks for sharing the artifact from your IEEE S&P work.

I got the following issue: AttributeError: 'attack_msf' object has no attribute 'cone_f' when running /evaluation/ Line 233
I assume that self.cone_f should be have been defined in the code but now it's missing.

What value should I assign to self.cone_f?


Hi, I'm also facing this issue. This line of code is in rendering_img function, which is similar to the same one in Inspecting more inside the function from I observe this render.render(self.ray_direction, self.length, self.object_v, self.object_f, self.i_final), and the one from is render.render(ray_direction, length, vertex, face, i_final). So my guessing here is that self.cone_f should be self.object_f.

It makes sense! Thank you, it works! @anhtu96

Hello, did your baseline. py code run successfully? When the code runs to "result=differential_ When evolution (obj. rendering_img, bound, maxiter=1000, popsize=3, workers=1, disp=True, updating='deferred ') "falls into a dead loop,I tried to modify the bounds and maxiter parameters, but it still didn't work.