
A package contains application elements (launch, maps, paths, rviz, etc.).

Primary LanguagePython


The "applications" repository is a ROS package that contains files to combine different nodes with different robots to setup different applications. Each launch file in the "launch" directory is a concrette application. Next there are some examples of applications execution.

Example 1: Autonomous navigation NVP + GN-fusion (offline mode via rosbag)

Requirements to use application:

Steps to use application:

  • Download bag file for this example.
  • Modify "launch/nav_NVP_GN_offline.launch" to provide correct link in "bag_file_1" argument.
  • Modify "params/nav_NVP_GN_offline.yaml" to provide correct link in "url_path" variable.
  • Run next command for localization:
roslaunch applications nav_NVP_GN_offline.launch
  • For autonomous navigation send "2D Nav Goal" from rviz.

Example 2: Autonomous navigation NVP + GN-fusion (gazebo simulation)

Requirements to use application:

Steps to use application:

  • Modify "params/nav_NVP_GN_gazebo.yaml" to provide correct link in "url_path" variable.
  • Run next command for localization:
roslaunch applications nav_NVP_GN_gazebo.launch
  • For autonomous navigation send "2D Nav Goal" from rviz.

Example 3: Autonomous navigation NVP + GN-fusion (online BLUE robot)

Requirements to use application:

Steps to use application:

  • Modify "params/nav_NVP_GN_online.yaml" to provide correct link in "url_path" variable.
  • Run next command for localization:
roslaunch applications nav_NVP_GN_online.launch
  • For autonomous navigation send "2D Nav Goal" from rviz.