
execute shell commands in the Unity Editor

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


openupm Hits

Execute awaitable shell commands in Unity Editor, and create Shell Command Preset assets for ease of use by non-programmers. Supports OSX & Windows.


Open UPM

UnityShell can be installed via OpenUPM. It's recommended to install it via openupm-cli:

openupm add com.mezookan.shell

Git Dependency

You can add the package to your project as a git upm dependency.

Either add the following line to your project's Packages/manifest.json file's dependencies:


or via the Windows/PackageManager menu, by adding the following git repo: https://github.com/abbabon/UnityShell.git

Running commands from code

For example, this is how to execute the command ls and print the results into the Unity console:

var shellCommandToken = UnityEditorShell.Execute("ls");
shellCommandToken.OnExit += (exitCode) => 
    // Do Nothing!
shellCommandToken.OnLog += (logType, log) =>

int exitCode = await shellCommandToken;

This is how to run the same command with different Options

  • use Options to
var options = new UnityEditorShell.Options(){
    WorkDirectory = "/Users/Mezookan/",
    Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GBK"), 
    EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, string>(){

var shellCommandToken = UnityEditorShell.Execute("ls", options);


The Shell Command Tokens, which is the way to interact with a queued command, are awaitable (check out ShellCommandAwaiter for the implementation); either as a task as used in the Tests suite, or as UniTasks, which I strongly recommend you use in your project.

Running commands from a preset

You may create a Scriptable Object with 'presets' of commands you can configure, and use them as a tool for you and your colleagues.

Create an asset either via right-clicking on the Project view or through the Assets/Create dropdown menu, and choosing UnityShell/ShellCommandPreset.


To manage the entire project's library of ShellCommandPresets, you may use an Editor Window, you can open via the menu Tools/ShellCommandPresetsManager.



The options for the command may be configured either from code (as in the examples above) or via the Shell Command Presets scriptable objects.

Working Directory

By default, the working directory for each shell is ./. You may override it instead of using the cd command to navigate around.


By default, EditorShell uses UTF8 for encoding. If you receive unrecognizable characters as an output and need to process more complex Encodings, please check your shell app's (bash in osx and cmd.exe in windows) encoding, and config options.encoding same as that.

Environment Variables

By default, the environment variables are empty. No default .profile or similar files are sourced by default when executing a command.

This is your way to configure environment variables manually.