
The asynchronous FIFO design to transfer parameterized data width from one clock domain to another clock domain.

Primary LanguageVerilog


Modules with brief explaination are given below.


This module implements the logic to:

  • Generate the read address to the FIFO memory.
  • Generate Gray-scale encoded read pointer for comparison in write domain.
  • Generate the FIFO empty status by comparing the gray-scale encoded read and write pointers.


This module implements the logic to:

  • Generate the write enable signal and the write address to the FIFO memory.
  • Generate the Gray-scale encoded write pointer for comparison in read domain.
  • Generate the FIFO full status by comparing the gray-scale encoded read and write pointers.

An extra MSB is added to read and write pointers to check the FIFO full condition. That single bit reduces the overhead of additional subtractor, gra-scale decoder and the comparator.


This module implements the logic the synchronize the read pointer in write domain and vice versa.


This module contains the dual port memory buffer to store the data.


All the previous modules are instantiated in this module. It also instantiates an extra module PLLE2_BASE from 7 series FPGA clock resources, to generate the read and write domain clocks of desired frequency, ofcourse, bounded the clk frequency range of the FPGA and the VCO of PLL.