Enhance DOTween with Tween Kit: Seamless, modular components for effortless Tweening.
- 25 Fully Modular Components
- Preview tweens without entering play mode
- Edit and view paths in scene view
- Helpful messages within inspector
- Utility classes for generating Catmull-Rom and Cubic Bezier Splines
- Easily create your own compoents using custom script templates
- Abdur Rafay Nasir
- LinkedIn/Abdur-Rafay-Nasir
- Github/AbdurRafay-Nasir
- DOTween
- DOTween asmdef (Tools -> Demigiant -> DOTween Utility Panel -> Create ASMDEF)
- Add Tween Kit Package in your project
- There will be some errors, ignore them. Add DOTween asmdef reference in Assets/Plugins/Tween Kit/Runtime/abdurrafay.tweenkit.asmdef (Remove any previous references)