Access Connectivity Toolkit - a survey tool for broadband action teams. Formerly running at https://actbroadband.online -- Now mothballed.

Primary LanguageCSS

Development Info

All of the code for the project is current in the survey-app folder. This project is built using KeystoneJS. More specifically it uses Node.js, MongoDB, Express, Pug, Stylus and Bootstrap.


Set up

  • Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/Access-and-Connectivity-Toolkit/ACT.git
    cd ACT/survey-app
    npm install
  • Create a .env file with a cookie secret:

    echo "COOKIE_SECRET=<a_bunch_of_characters>" > .env

    For now, <a_bunch_of_characters> can be whatever you'd like.
    If you can't get the .env file to work, then you can workaround the issue locally by adding 'cookie secret': 'some text' into the keystone.js file.

  • In a separate terminal start mongodb: mongod

  • Run npm start

  • Check localhost:3000

  • Login to the admin page with username: user@keystonejs.com and password: pass

  • Debugging should work out of the box with VSCode


|-- models
|-- public
    |-- styles
        |-- site
            |-- _layout.styl
            |-- _variables.styl
|-- routes
    |-- index.js
    |-- middleware.js
    |-- views
|-- templates
    |-- views
  • models
  • public/styles/site
    • _layout.styl and _variables.styl are the stylus files to override bootstrap defaults.
    • site.css and site.styl are generated, so any changes you make to them will be overwritten
  • routes
    • this is the folder for express routing
    • new routes are added to routes/index.js
    • code for handling each new route should go under routes/views/<your_view>.js
    • to create a variable that's accessible by a pug template, save it as locals.varname, which will be varname in the pug template
  • templates
    • this is the folder for pug templates
    • code for new pages go under templates/views/<your_view>.pug


Keystone Demo
Keystone Demo Repo
Keystone DB Documentation
Throttling Network w/Chrome DevTools