
Sample UWP project in C# for Windows 10 to test Direct Line calls to communicate with any bot created with the Microsoft Bot Framework.

Primary LanguageC#


Sample UWP project in C# for Windows 10 to test Direct Line calls to communicate with any bot created with the Microsoft Bot Framework. Updated to support the Direct Line API v3.0. has been tested with bots running both Bot Framework v3 and v4.

Related Projects

  • The Maker Show Bot: This bot helps you get started as a maker by recommending online resources about project ideas, where to buy hardware boards, sensors and other parts, and more. This bot also recommends specific episodes of The Maker Show to watch based on your interests.
  • HoloBot: A sample Unity project for Microsoft HoloLens that lets you interact with a holographic speech-enabled bot character, powered by the Microsoft Bot Framework and LUIS from Microsoft Cognitive Services. This UWP test client project served as a test bed for the Bot Framework code integrated into HoloBot.

Connecting your Bot to the UWP Test Client

  • Create and register your v3 bot as per the intructions at https://dev.botframework.com (note that bots created with v1 of the Bot Framework are not supported). Since users can type with natural language queries, it is highly recommended that your bot support NLP via Natural Language Understanding Service (LUIS) from Microsoft Cognitive Services
  • Enable the Direct Line channel on your bot: Make sure to enable Direct Line API v3.0
  • Generate and copy your Direct Line secret (aka API key)
  • Paste your Direct Line secret the first text box in the UI. The default API key in the code communicates with The Maker Show Bot (see above)

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