
Hardware Video Processing on FPGA

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT

Hardware Video Processing Path, Jan 2019

This project contains an Intelectual Property(IP) that was a part of my Final Engeenering Project at Politechnika Gdanska on the major of Electronics and Telecomunications with a speciality Microelectronics. IP's functionality is to process video data throgh a hardware device with an FPGA onboard. IP contains all the means to whilst loaded onto the ML509/XUPV5 development board collect, process and properly sent data to a, compliant with the video format, monitor.

Project was written using mostly Verliog for IPcore with VHDL files automatically generated by XPS and C for the MicroBlaze program. Alongside core files of the IP included are: .ufc file, Microblaze configuration files and main.c (program for MicroBlaze).

This embedded system in completion performs a simple erosion algorithm on a 128x128 pixel matrix. Video format is VGA in a 640x480@75Hz resolution. Input and output video codecs are properly programmed through I2C bus. Data is stored in an internal BRAM.

It's a version that won't be revised anymore because i have lost access to the dev board.