:earth_africa: Map location picker component for Android. Based on Google Maps. An alternative to Google Place Picker.
- 5
Get address from places api
#376 opened by nicemak - 0
Issue :: Map does not appear
#381 opened by amirisback - 3
very laggy when open map
#333 opened by fukemy - 1
How can i filter results by country?
#334 opened by nmssalman - 2
#318 opened by sondangpangrib - 1
How to get AddressId
#331 opened by lijuprabha - 3
FAB Theming
#267 opened by tefracky - 2
Is there a way to take snapshot?
#272 opened by hanihashemi - 6
Places suggestion not working properly
#278 opened by grabcityinfo - 6
- 1
Picker activity is opening very slowly.
#295 opened by mohdaquib - 1
- 4
Search Box Issues
#307 opened by jaseelmohd - 3
- 1
Search by text
#316 opened by MostafaGad1911 - 1
TimeZoneApi is called in Main thread resulting in ANR
#317 opened by pasmat - 2
- 1 line 39 (Caused by thread interrupted)
#329 opened by dhaval951753 - 1
resource not found
#332 opened by fukemy - 14
crash v9.1.1
#339 opened by fukemy - 1
2 errors in newest version (9.1.3)
#342 opened by steve47457 - 2
Search Bar Visibility
#345 opened by shawafshahry - 1
withSearchBarHidden() is not found in leku:9.1.4
#351 opened by iamkhan001 - 3
Address Not showing Up
#357 opened by PramathNaik - 2
- 2
Fatal Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=10; index=-1
#375 opened by steve47457 - 1
Found interface, but class was expected
#377 opened by MiguelDAD - 1
After adding this library app is not getting install in android 12+ versions
#368 opened by itinsidenews - 3
com.schibstedspain.leku.geocoder.api.NetworkException: SSL handshake aborted: ssl=0xd486a5b8: I/O error during system call, Connection reset by peer
#310 opened by changjiashuai - 1
Not working on android 11
#320 opened by aditya21276 - 2
NullPointerException throws on click of search items
#327 opened by gobinda99 - 1 line 65 (Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Task is not yet complete)
#328 opened by dhaval951753 - 1
Not showing map
#314 opened by mahdisml - 0
Fab drawable not appear
#311 opened by AnasElshawaf - 11
Crash leku 7.1.0
#304 opened by JpegDev - 1
Inflater error?
#290 opened by Thomar10 - 1
Cannot invoke method get() on null object
#288 opened by inforaamitsolutions - 2
- 2
#279 opened by ViTech2019 - 4
How do I hide the focus button and white area?
#287 opened by muratdoglu - 4
There shouldn't be a default picked location!!
#273 opened by hanihashemi - 4
Data binding not working
#268 opened by icelic - 2 line 57 (Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Task is not yet complete)
#266 opened by mayurwish - 1
android error Duplicate class found in modules classes.jar
#263 opened by williaanlopes - 1
Return PlaceId in onActivityResult
#261 opened by kkostrubiec - 1
Leku JAVA Please
#293 opened by lisares - 4
- 3
Picker for origin and destination?
#276 opened by roniemartinez - 1
Help with Search Suggestion
#280 opened by Harshit31 - 1
How can I change the fabs colors? please help
#269 opened by keveaux