This is REST API developed in python and built with Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-JWT, and Flask-SQLAlchemy and finally deployed on Heroku. The testing is done using Postman.
POST /register : to signup an a new user.
POST /login : to login as an existing user.
POST /logout : to logout from the existing session.
POST /refresh : to refresh the access token.
GET /user/ : to get the details of a user with given id.
DELETE /user/ : to delete a user with given id
GET /items : to get the list of all Items.
GET /item/ : to the the item with given name.
POST /item/ : to add an item to the list.
DELETE /item/ : to delete an item from the list.
PUT /item/ : to update/add an item in the list.
GET /stores : to get the list of all the stores along with its items.
GET /store/ : to get the details of store with given name.
POST /store/ : to add a new store in the list.
DELETE /store/ : to delete a store with given name.