- Graph Coloring Dataset OR-Library
- Read up on A New Technique For Distributed Symmetry Breaking
- Look into Graph Contraction
- Look into Heuristic algorithms
- Look into Exact algorithms
- Look into focusing on an application
- Register Allocation
- Map Coloring
- Bipartite Graph Checking
- Mobile Radio Frequency Assignment
- Making timetables, etc.
- N Queens, Sudoku, Placing n rooks
Graph coloring is computationally hard. It is NP-complete to decide if a given graph admits a k-coloring for a given k except for the cases k ∈ {0,1,2} . In particular, it is NP-hard to compute the chromatic number. The 3-coloring problem remains NP-complete even on 4-regular planar graphs.[27] However, for every k > 3, a k-coloring of a planar graph exists by the four color theorem, and it is possible to find such a coloring in polynomial time.
Compilation on Linux:
./bin/WelshPowell < input.txt > outputSerial.txt
./bin/BruteForceSerial < input1.txt > outputParallel.txt
./bin/BruteForcePThread < input1.txt > outputParallel.txt
./bin/BruteForceCUDA < input1.txt > outputParallel.txt
Or run the test script
When distributing the task across multiple cores, it is necessary to have mapping from CORE_ID
# Look at p2i.py
>>> v = 3 # Number of vertices
>>> for c in range(1, v+1):
>>> print('colors : ', c)
>>> for i in range(c**v):
>>> print(' ', 'index : ', i, '\t->', [c,i] ,'->\t', dec_to_base(i, c).zfill(v))
colors : 1
index : 0 -> [1, 0] -> 000
colors : 2
index : 0 -> [2, 0] -> 000
index : 1 -> [2, 1] -> 001
index : 2 -> [2, 2] -> 010
index : 3 -> [2, 3] -> 011
index : 4 -> [2, 4] -> 100
index : 5 -> [2, 5] -> 101
index : 6 -> [2, 6] -> 110
index : 7 -> [2, 7] -> 111
colors : 3
index : 0 -> [3, 0] -> 000
index : 1 -> [3, 1] -> 001
index : 2 -> [3, 2] -> 002
index : 3 -> [3, 3] -> 010
index : 4 -> [3, 4] -> 011
index : 5 -> [3, 5] -> 012
index : 6 -> [3, 6] -> 020
index : 7 -> [3, 7] -> 021
index : 8 -> [3, 8] -> 022
index : 9 -> [3, 9] -> 100
index : 10 -> [3, 10] -> 101
index : 11 -> [3, 11] -> 102
index : 12 -> [3, 12] -> 110
index : 13 -> [3, 13] -> 111
index : 14 -> [3, 14] -> 112
index : 15 -> [3, 15] -> 120
index : 16 -> [3, 16] -> 121
index : 17 -> [3, 17] -> 122
index : 18 -> [3, 18] -> 200
index : 19 -> [3, 19] -> 201
index : 20 -> [3, 20] -> 202
index : 21 -> [3, 21] -> 210
index : 22 -> [3, 22] -> 211
index : 23 -> [3, 23] -> 212
index : 24 -> [3, 24] -> 220
index : 25 -> [3, 25] -> 221
index : 26 -> [3, 26] -> 222
Given an input graph of 8 nodes, the serial version takes 24 seconds and the pThread implementation takes under 2 seconds. A massive 12x speedup (for 8 node graphs).
$ time ./bin/BruteForceSerial < test_graphs/inputs/input5.txt
min_colors: 2
real 0m24.675s
user 0m24.661s
sys 0m0.009s
$ time ./bin/BruteForcePThread < test_graphs/inputs/input5.txt
[TM] Creating thread 0
[TM] Creating thread 1
[TM] Creating thread 2
[TM] Creating thread 3
[TM] Creating thread 4
[TM] Creating thread 5
[TM] Creating thread 6
[TM] Creating thread 7
[T3] min=2
[T5] min=2
[T1] min=3
[T4] min=2
[T2] min=3
[T7] min=3
[T0] min=3
[ll] Stopped thread 0
[ll] Stopped thread 1
[ll] Stopped thread 2
[ll] Stopped thread 3
[ll] Stopped thread 4
[ll] Stopped thread 5
[T6] min=2
[ll] Stopped thread 6
[ll] Stopped thread 7
real 0m1.403s
user 0m10.645s
sys 0m0.004s
Welsh Powell algorithm is a greedy technique to solve the graph coloring problem
0. Define X=0
1. Find the degree of each vertex
2. List the vertices in order of descending degrees.
3. Colour the first vertex with color X.
4. Move down the list and color all the vertices not connected to the coloured vertex, with the same color.
5. X=X+1
6. Repeat step 4 on all uncolored vertices with a new color, in descending order of degrees until all the vertices are coloured.
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
C:color 1
F:color 1
G:color 1
K:color 1
E:color 2
A:color 2
J:color 2
L:color 2
D:color 3
B:color 3
Graph full colored
Brute force looks at all possible colour combinations that a graph can have. Note that a graph with N verticies will have a maximum of N colors, this will be the upper bound.
0. Set num_colors to N
1. Try all valid coloring combinations with a max N colors
2. If at least one valid combination is found, save num_colors to be the min
3. Decrement num_colors
4. If num_colors>0 goto 0. Else exit
0 1 1 0
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
min_colors: 3