
Library for dimmer application with SAMD21G18A (e.g. Arduino Zero/M0).

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Library for dimmer application with SAMD21G18A (e.g. Arduino Zero/M0).

Supported pwm pins (only one pin on the same channel is supported, e.g. 6 or 11):
timer channel recommended pin alternative pins
Timer0 0 2 (PA14) A3 (PA04)
Timer0 1 5 (PA15) A4 (PA05)
Timer0 2 6 (PA20) 10 (PA18)
Timer0 3 7 (PA21) 12 (PA19)
Timer1 0 4 (PA08) 1 (PA11), 8 (PA06)
Timer1 1 3 (PA09) 0 (PA10), 9 (PA07)
Timer2 0 11 (PA16) 6 (PA20)
Timer2 1 13 (PA17) 7 (PA21)

Listed pins are for Arduino Zero. On Arduino M0 (Pro) pins 2 and 4 are reversed!

How to use

Create an instance: normal mode (0 to max)

DimmerZero channel1(pinnumber);

or inverted mode (max to 0)

DimmerZero channel2(pinnumber, true);

Initialization instances: channel1.init(); channel2.init();


getMaxValue(): returns max possible value.

setValue(int value), where value=0..maxValue sets timer to "value" duty-cycle

setFrequency(int value), sets PWM frequency. 250, 500 and 1000 Hz are supported. Default: 1000 Hz. Call this function before init-function.


if you change frequency or invert output, you should do it for all pins on same timer. E.g. if 11 is inverted, 13 must be inverted too!