- 1
ERROR [internal] load metadata for
#632 opened by fcm2000105 - 1
Bump to newer alpine version as 3.14 is EOL
#631 opened by DCraft327 - 1
adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:debian linux/amd64 is missing
#629 opened by esabadodash - 4
Latest centos-slim / jdk-11.0.18_10-centos-slim only published with armv7 images
#627 opened by philBrown - 1
- 1
- 1
openjdk14x86_64-alpine-jdk-14.0.2_12 is missing
#624 opened by monsie2 - 1
- 4
- 23
Alpine images missing fontconfig
#529 opened by gdams - 1
When will be the release for Alpine 3.15?
#618 opened by shenqinb-star - 3
amd64 missing for debianslim-jre
#616 opened by alexsuter - 1
- 10
- 3
- 1
- 6
Latest adoptopenjdk/openjdk8:ubi-minimal-jre docker image doesn't contain arm64
#603 opened by richturner - 2
- 6
Image adoptopenjdk/openjdk11-openj9:latest broken "no matching manifest for linux/amd64 in the manifest list entries"
#610 opened by lquitadamo - 1
- 1
- 5
Alpine arm64 support
#519 opened by csandanov - 13
adoptopenjdk/openjdk11:alpine-jre fontconfig Segfault
#520 opened by mjp91 - 2
Adoptium branding
#588 opened by CodingKoopa - 1
Use libc6-compat in alpine builds
#594 opened by briceburg - 5
Latest Alpine slim image is not present with jdk8u302-b08-alpine-slim image tag AND jre8u302-b08-alpine
#598 opened by dbodla83 - 0
openj9, No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)
#595 opened by itfsw - 5
Add AlmaLinux as supported OS
#589 opened by srbala - 4
- 2
- 0
Alpine version update to 3.14
#590 opened by srbala - 1
No aarch java16 openj9 docker image? Why?
#587 opened by Panderine - 0
Leap version update to 15.3
#584 opened by srbala - 0
Upgrade UBI images to 8.4
#565 opened by leochr - 1
CVE-2019-25013 in openjdk8:alpine-jre
#549 opened by dzahariev - 5
JDK 16 tumbleweed images are failing to build due to installation failure of `curl`
#566 opened by bharathappali - 2
Red Hat UBI images in Docker Hub
#581 opened by leochr - 3
- 1
distroless container support
#576 opened by mstoodle - 1
UBI Slim image missing call to
#550 opened by srbala - 1
Add arm32 emulated Docker documentation
#546 opened by karianna - 2
Update base Alpine image to 3.13.4
#538 opened by karianna - 11
- 4
java.lang.NullPointerException at sun.awt.FontConfiguration.getVersion(
#560 opened by alokbaranwal - 5
ERROR [linux/arm/v7 internal] load metadata for
#526 opened by frakman1 - 2
CVE-2021-28831 still present in openjdk14 images
#545 opened by cernst72 - 5
#539 opened by karianna - 5
Incorrect tag for 8u282 (shows 8u275 instead)
#532 opened by chintanb - 0
- 0
Install freetype in docker images
#517 opened by joeyleeeeeee97