Repository containing the material required to reproduce the results of the paper "Vision-Based Fall Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks"
- abcilike
- anirbanghoshsbiKolkata , India
- ChristopheraburnsCloudera
- deadprogramThe Hybrid Group
- dendisuhubdy@bitwyre
- Doglovesfish
- gpspelleAmazon
- harrypotter0@SicRas
- huangzhenjie
- huversEast Coast
- hyperdeveloperrUniversity of Karabuk
- ieee820Hua Data Technology Co.,Ltd
- indexerOptimum Solution
- iwsmith@Discord
- jasonchen70332
- lincolnhardTaiwan
- mmortazaviSiemens AG
- nalancer08Mexico City
- nanowhiter
- newsiquare
- ninjakx
- ooyendykSAGE Automation
- panna19951227
- qioooo
- RaulMedeirosFortaleza
- shootingliu
- Soniya-Johny-1
- swanhtet1992EXPA.AI
- tyhgf548952
- visakh7843Scotland
- wlu-mstrChina
- xpeter80CCB
- yshanyesChengDu
- yuyuyu00china,wuhan
- zebrajackpungke
- zhangshitoday