Hiro Card Demo

Quick Install:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/Affonso-Gui/hiro_card_demo.git
cd catkin_ws
catkin build hiro_card_demo


This demo needs the rubber attachments shown below.

It also relies on ACCURATE JOINT CALIBRATION. Make sure to always calibrate from the power-off pose, and try to recalibrate when not being able to grasp cards correctly.

Run from the Scratch web interface:

  1. roslaunch hiro_card_demo start.launch
  2. Open http://scratch3-ros.jsk.imi.i.u-tokyo.ac.jp
  3. From the File menu load card_demo_interface.sb3
  4. Place and flip the cards as wanted and press Go to move the robot

Run from the console:

roscd hiro_card_demo/src
roseus main.l

Hiro Card Demo with Interruption and Resumption Management

Recognition Startup

  1. Launch Detic for object recognition
# hiro_card_demo branch
ssh affonso-desktop
docker-run detic_ros_devel
roslaunch detic_ros detection.launch
  1. Launch hand_object_detector
ssh affonso@dlbox12  # or dlbox14
docker-run affonso-ros-project
conda activate project-ddhand
python ddhand_ros_inference.py
  1. Launch node for extracting hand/obj boxes and checking intersections
roslaunch pet_bottle_demo extract_rectangles
  1. Launch anomaly detection node
ssh affonso@dlbox12
docker-run affonso-ros-project
conda activate ros-project
cd ~/epic-project/src
python lstm_ros_inference_hiro.py

Demo Startup

  1. Start roseus action server
roscd hiro_card_demo_resumption_management/euslisp
roseus hiro-card-demo-action-server.l
  1. Launch the demo with the executable
rosrun hiro_card_demo_resumption_management hiro_card_demo
  1. Optionally run with Groot
roslaunch hiro_card_demo_resumption_management hiro_card_demo_server.launch
rosrun groot Groot
  1. Send commands with the scratch interface