
In this project, you will practice accessing an API. You'll see how an API request is made from code, and see how data is returned from an API.

Primary LanguageC#

SDG Assignment #12 : 04 - 02 - API Client

In this project, you will practice accessing an API. You'll see how an API request is made from code, and see how data is returned from an API.


  • Demonstrate usage of APIs
  • Understand how an API request is sent.
  • Understand the request and response for an API.

Explorer Mode

  • TOP TIP: Choose an API that has a simple, less nested API. Perhaps one that just returns an array of one-level-deep objects. This will make your task_significantly_ easier.
  • Choose one of the APIs from this list that does not request "AUTH" (Authorization) since an API that requires authorization is a little more difficult to use when first learning. I have also selected some sample APIs that will be good choices:
API Documentation
Dogs https://dog.ceo/dog-api/
Studio Ghibli https://ghibliapi.herokuapp.com/#tag/Films
Open Brewery https://www.openbrewerydb.org/
Recipes http://www.recipepuppy.com/about/api/
Deck of Cards! http://deckofcardsapi.com/
Geocode https://geocode.xyz/api
Jobs https://jobs.github.com/api
Lyrics https://lyricsovh.docs.apiary.io/#reference
Quotes https://pprathameshmore.github.io/QuoteGarden/
SpaceX https://docs.spacexdata.com/?version=latest
Jokes https://github.com/15Dkatz/official_joke_api
  • After choosing your API read the documentation.
  • Create a new sdg-console application for accessing the API.
  • Create a class to store information that comes back from your API.
  • Write code to query the API and show results.
  • If your API has more than one endpoint (URL) support a few options, perhaps by creating a menu system in your application.

Adventure Mode

Build a command line link shortening tool using this API: https://rel.ink/

Determine for yourself how you would like the tool to work, what the output would look like, etc.

Epic Mode

Use the site Mockaroo to create a mock API. You may need an account and then learn how their "Mock API" feature works.

Once you have created your Mock API for whatever schema you wish, implement a client application to work with it.