- This is formal start of the project. This readme will contain all the details of the project.
- RISC-V GCC Toolchain, Pre-built version of RISC-V GCC Toolchain (Prefered)
- Verilator (latest verision)
- Cocotb (for block level testing)
- RISC-OF and A Reference Model (spike/sail)
To simulate the project with pytests which use cocotb and primary simulator as verilator, you can use the command:
make all
This will generate machine codes and then run the simulation. The above command can used in variety like:
make all TEST=if_stage MACHINE_LANG=asm ASM_FILE=gcd C_FILE=factorial
Explanation is:
- TEST: Optional argument telling which module you want to test. Default value is if_stage.
- MACHINE_LANG: Optional argument telling which language you have written the code to be converted to RISCV machine code. It has two values either asm (assembly) or c (c language). Its default valus is asm.
- ASM_FILE: Optional argument which specifies what is the assembly file (name only without extension) to be converted to machine code. Default value is gcd
- C_FILE: Optional argument which specifies what is the C file (name only without extension) to be converted to machine code. Default value is factorial
- Clone the repository:
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/hamza-akhtar-dev/pak-rv-core
- Go to
cd verif/riscof_compliance/
- Run the shell script to run RISCOF Framework on the PakRV Core:
chmod +x run-compliance.sh
- For detailed contribution guidlines please go to contribution guidelines