
PaRK-Detect: Towards Efficient Multi-Task Satellite Imagery Road Extraction via Patch-Wise Keypoints Detection

Primary LanguagePython

PaRK-Detect: Towards Efficient Multi-Task Satellite Imagery Road Extraction via Patch-Wise Keypoints Detection

Automatically extracting roads from satellite imagery is a fundamental yet challenging computer vision task in the field of remote sensing. Pixel-wise semantic segmentation-based approaches and graph-based approaches are two prevailing schemes. However, prior works show the imperfections that semantic segmentation-based approaches yield road graphs with low connectivity, while graph-based methods with iterative exploring paradigms and smaller receptive fields focus more on local information and are also time-consuming. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for multi-task satellite imagery road extraction, Patch-wise Road Keypoints Detection (PaRK-Detect). Building on top of D-LinkNet architecture and adopting the structure of keypoint detection, our framework predicts the position of patch-wise road keypoints and the adjacent relationships between them to construct road graphs in a single pass. Meanwhile, the multi-task framework also performs pixel-wise semantic segmentation and generates road segmentation masks. We evaluate our approach against the existing state-of-the-art methods on DeepGlobe, Massachusetts Roads, and RoadTracer datasets and achieve competitive or better results. We also demonstrate a considerable outperformance in terms of inference speed.


@title = {PaRK-Detect: Towards Efficient Multi-Task Satellite Imagery Road Extraction via Patch-Wise Keypoints Detection},  
@author = {Shenwei Xie (BUPT PRIS)}
@time = {from 2021/11/01}
@publication = {BMVC 2022 (oral), https://bmvc2022.mpi-inf.mpg.de/381/}

0. Introduction

PaRK-Detect Scheme

PaRK-Detect Scheme

Left: blue patches contain road while white patches are non-road, black dots are road keypoints, and green lines represent links.
Right: the reference point of relative offset is the upper left corner of a patch. Dark yellow patches are linked with the center patch while light yellow ones are not.
We order the eight adjacent patches into numbers 0-7. Here the linked patches are 2, 6, and 7.



Overview of multi-task framework architecture.
The rectangles are feature maps of different scales.
I: input satellite image.
P: patch-wise road probability, yellow patches represent non-road while white patches represent road.
S: patch-wise road keypoint position.
L: patch-wise link status.
G: road graph.
M: road segmentation mask.
Here we just show 32^2 patches out of 64^2 for better presentation.

Graph Optimization Strategy

Graph Optimization Strategy

Left: connecting adjacent but unconnected endpoints. Red solid lines are links added while red dotted lines are links that should not be added.
Right: removing triangle and quadrilateral. Red dotted lines are links removed.

1. Code


STEP 1. Dataset preparation: download dataset(e.g. DeepGlobe) into /preprocess/image, /preprocess/mask.
STEP 2. Follow the instructions provided in /preprocess/readme.txt to generate labels.


Follow the D-LinkNet training process.

2. Datasets and Benchmarks

Comparison with Other Methods

Up Left: original satellite imagery. Up Right: road extraction results based on D-LinkNet.
Down Left: road extraction results based on VecRoad. Down Right: road extraction results based on PaRK-Detect scheme.

Tab 1: Comparison with segmentation-based approach on DeepGlobe and Massachusetts Roads Dataset.
Tab 2: Comparison with graph-based approaches on RoadTracer Dataset.

Tab 3: Run-time in seconds of different approaches on one 8192×8192 test image.

Ablation Studies

Ablation Studies