Project on the integration of the Arduino robotic arm Braccio into ROS and Rviz.
This project enables to control the joint angles of Braccio from a GUI.
This code is free and can be used for free, open source and commercial applications. If you want to say thanks mainly hit the ⭐ button, that's all.
- ROS (Kinetic Kame)
- RViz
- ROSserial
- Ubuntu (16.04)
- Arduino (Uno or higher)
- Braccio Robot
- Install ROS on your PC.
- Clone this repository into your Catkin Workspace.
- Run
Install ROS for your Arduino, see here for Instruction
Copy the BraccioLibRos Library into your Arduino Library Folder
Flash your Arduino with the code included in the file braccio_ros.ino
Make sure your Arduino is connected with the PC via a USB cable
Launches Roscore, that handles communictation between all ROS nodes.
source devel/setup.bash
cd src/braccio_arduino_ros_rviz
roslaunch braccio_arduino_ros_rviz urdf.launch model:=urdf/braccio_arm.urdf
Starts the GUI and publishes angles in Radian.
source devel/setup.bash
cd src/braccio_arduino_ros_rviz
rosrun braccio_arduino_ros_rviz parse_and_publish
Converts the joint angles to degrees and reduces the message size
rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyACM0
Starts the communication between Arduino and Pc. Change "/dev/ttyACM0" to the port the Port of your Arduino. You find this Information in the Arduino IDE, ArduinoIDE>Tools>Port.
rostopic echo joint_array
view what is published to the Arduino
rostopic echo joint_states
view what is published by the joint_state_publisher (GUI)
overview about the topics and nodes
Should look similar like this:
This project is licensed under BSD 3-Clause License License - see the file for details
This project contains code from grassjelly, see third Party License file LicenseOfThirdPartys