
  • Create a REST Service application using Ballerina or another programming language of your choice. Design any scenario for your application with CRUD operations by using proper http request types.

  • Dockerize your application and deploy it as a Docker container. You can use either your local machine or a cloud environment.

  • You can test REST service using tools like postman or curl.

  • Upload the source code to a GitHub repository. (Share the link to the GitHub repository along with your submission)

  • Record a screen recording for the demonstration showing the implementation.




The CRUD methods are defined for a library management system.

  • C : Create new book entries
  • R : Read book details (all or by id)
  • U : Update book information
  • D : Delete book entry


The implementaion is done in Flask - Python. The recorded demo shows the application being tested using Postman.

Github Repo