
Share a browsing experience!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Shared Windows

Share a browsing experience.

What is it?

  • A list making tool,
  • That can show you websites in the list,
  • And synchronize that preview with all your friends!

What can you do with it?

  • Share the web browser with your friends
  • Present a slideshow over the internet
  • Control what is displayed on many computers from a single computer
  • Post lists to lists for a "file directory"-esq experience

How to use it:

Go to : Shared Windows Tutorial

How to access it (pre-alpha):

Got to : Shared Windows

Careful! It's fragile!

How to host your own:

Install prerequisites:
  • Visual Studio or XCode (sign Xcode's license agreement!!!)
  • nodejs
  • npm install sqlite3
  • npm install socket.io
  • npm install jsdom
  • npm install multiparty
  • npm install http-get
  1. Open "sharedwindows/server/" in your command prompt.
  2. run "node server.js"
  3. The default port is 80 (http). To change that, use: "node server.js [http port]".

for example: node server.js 8080


Database problems? Create a fresh database!
  1. Go into database/ and delete db.sqlite.
  2. Copy dbClean.sqlite
  3. name it db.sqlite.
JSDOM issues?

Extending the code:

  • This projects consists of a client and a server.
  • Run the server as described above.
  • It'll serve you a copy of the client on port 80.

The server code is in the folder labeled "server". The client is in "webClient". The server pulls from the "database/db.sqlite" often.

There are read-mes in the client and server folders.

Shared Windows.xmind is in notes. Get xmind, it's free.

the diagram